Currently, policing research is dominated by attempts to understand the impact of procedural justice within policing (e.g., McCluskey et al., 2019; Murphy, Madon, & Cherney, 2018; Pickett & Nix, 2019; Saulnier, St Louis, & McCarty, 2019; White, Hogan, Shelley, & Unnithan, 2018). As such, police agencies across the country are heavily focused on using procedural justice to reduce crime and to improve trust between the police and the communities they serve. This push for change follows decades of police activities and practices that have focused on crime reduction strategies at all costs—including police-community relations—through the use of aggressive, proactive policing tactics such as broken windows policing, zero-tolerance policing, and hot spots policing (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, 2018). Although crime has been reduced through the use of these tactics, the detrimental implications of these strategies for the community have been largely ignored (Braga, Weisburd, & Turchan, 2018; Zimring, 2012; see also Weisburd & Braga, 2006). As such, the recent push for improving police-community relations in American policing was seemingly inevitable.