The reception of Jung in the Japanese academy started only after the death of C.G. Jung in 1961 so is a development of the last 40 years. Before this period, experimental psychology had been dominant in the Japanese academy, while clinical psychology had been only a very small part of psychology in general. The methodology of clinical psychology was defined by a scientific research model of statistics and psychological tests where psychotherapy and case studies did not play a central role. As a school and technique of psychotherapy, the client-centered-therapy of Rogers was the most popular and prevailing one. But in the last 40 years Jung’s psychology has rapidly and continuously spread in the Japanese academy. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that Jung’s psychology is better accepted in Japanese society and the academy than in any other country. Among various schools and theories of psychotherapy it has been the most influential in Japan, although the situation is a little changed in the last few years with the increasing influence of a scientific model and ideas where, for example, cognitive psychotherapy is gaining more and more interest among patients and therapists.