Analysis sometimes brings tangible results. But because it is a long-distance journey, because it takes time, only rarely does it happen that we actually sense them. Analysis has an ambitious aim—that of enabling change in those very areas where Psyche remains most stubbornly immobile: in our ways of loving and hating. Fortunately for both protagonists, there are stopping places along the way—small changes, though not as small as they may seem: for example, the disappearance or transformation of a maddening quirk that makes life miserable, hands no longer needing to be washed every five minutes, oysters suddenly delicious after having long been “disgusting”, an erection breaking all records of duration, a skirt at last, instead of that old pair of jeans, a smile replacing a guilty thought, taking the underground again, after years of walking, without being (too) afraid that men will assault and rape you if the train stops in a tunnel, sleeping without pills, dreams one had forgotten could be dreamed, an unpronounceable word suddenly back on one’s lips, swimming in deep water without losing ground, no longer believing you have to cry your eyes out to be loved.