Valuation New Zealand has existed as a department of state for almost 100 years. It has responsibility for the cyclical revaluation of all properties within New Zealand. Some 420 people are employed at 28 different locations. The valuations assessed by Valuation New Zealand are used as a rating base by 74 separate local authorities as well as 8 regional authorities. The most recent information available indicates that the valuation roll is used as base for raising some $1.5 billion of revenue for local government. The task of assessing a capital value (improved value), land value and value of improvements for each of the 1.5 million properties that comprise New Zealand over a three year time frame requires the application of significant human resources. While most of the resources of Valuation New Zealand are focused on preparing and maintaining valuation rolls a range of commercial valuation services are also provided to local and central government agencies. The sale of property related information has become important in the last few years.