In April 1816, Coleridge became a permanent resident in Highgate, the guest and patient of Dr James Gillman. The move was another attempt to escape the ‘detested Poison’ of opium (Griggs, IV, p. 628) and though not completely successful, it did bring his intake under better control. From Highgate, Coleridge continued the energetic programme of writing and publishing on which he had been working for the previous few months. His pamphlet of poems – Christabel: Kubla Khan, A Vision; The Pains of Sleep (London: John Murray, 1816) – was published in May and reprinted twice by June; the first of the ‘Lay Sermons’, The Statesman’s Manual, appeared in December, the second, A Lay Sermon, in March 1817. They were followed by Biographia Liter aria and Sibylline Leaves (both 1817). In the same year, his play Remorse was revived and his ‘dramatic poem’ Zapolya published. This astonishing, concerted effort on Coleridge’s part was completed by his republishing The Friend in a three-volume edition in November 1818.