Little big histories are studies that connect a specific subject to all the major phases of big history. They can be written about almost anything, from seemingly simple parts of our everyday world such as a cup of tea or a brick, to more intricate concepts, such as scientific theories or historical developments. Little big histories link these subjects to processes such as the formation and development of our Solar System and the Earth, the origin of life and the emergence of human agriculture. At first sight, trying to connect such subjects and processes may seem rather quirky. But when you think about it, little big histories can help answer some of the most fundamental questions we can ask about our world. They can help do so for two reasons. First of all, little big histories tell us how specific and often relatively small subjects fit into the biggest picture of the world that we have, and as a result, can be used to prod and test that picture. Secondly, and at this point in time perhaps most importantly, little big histories can help us understand more fully why their subjects are the way they are. I would like to explain that last point first.