A case study is presented on how local (municipal) governments can contribute significantly to create an environment where youth can discover a passion for aviation, aeronautical and space careers. Specifically, the author reports on the case of Ponte de Sor, a small town located in Portugal (17,000 inhabitants). Since 2013, the local government has transformed its municipal aerodrome into the newest, and fastest growing aerospace cluster in the country. Through direct municipal investment, several key elements contributed to attract youth into the sector. The starting point was the creation of the first vocational training programmes dedicated to aviation, by partnering with high schools, and higher education degrees with leading universities. Then followed “Portugal Air Summit”, created in 2017 as the largest aviation event in the Iberian Peninsula, with a four-day programme focused on conferences as a unique occasion for the sector to discuss its challenges and opportunities, and for the young public to meet and learn from the professionals. Finally, the launch of a smartphone app took place to link young students with the Portuguese leading aviation and aerospace companies, and their counterparts in Brazil and Africa, in order to foster employability throughout the Portuguese speaking countries. The aim is to establish the first competency and job offer dashboard, as the Portuguese contribution to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) Index project. What is unique about this project is that the local government of Ponte de Sor is in fact leading the effort in Portugal to promote aviation careers, by bringing the industry together.