In Southern Italy, near Torre Santa Susanna, a small town in Apulia between Brindisi and Taranto (Figure 6.1), there is an early medieval fortified church, today known by the name of San Pietro a Crepacore, placed on the unsafe border between Lombard and Byzantine territories in Apulia. The church has had different building phases,1 as demonstrated, for example, by the window opening cut straight through the beautiful apse fresco and its commemorative Greek inscription,2 which the majority of scholars date to the ninth century or, more probably, the first half of the tenth century.3Southern Italy, position of the mentioned siteshttps://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429283468/0f844e2d-f109-461d-8add-daa5f8471312/content/fig6_1.tif"/>