This chapter serves as an introduction to the various themes in the history of pluralistic economics found in this volume. It covers Geoffrey Harcourt recounting his more than fifty years of engagement with post-Keynesian economics, Meghnad Desai reflecting on his engagement with research and teaching of Marxian economics, John King going back in search of the core of post-Keynesian economics, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo asking whether one can characterize 1960s and early 1970s Cambridge contributions as a ‘school’, Roberto Scazzieri reflecting back on the history of structuralist dynamics in economics, Romar Correa scrutinizing the history and economic thought underlying buffer stock operations, Phillip Anthony O’Hara providing a pluralistic history of institutional economics, C.T. Kurien turning to the fundamental methodological distinction between classical and neoclassical economics and the problems it poses for teaching of economics, Ajit Sinha recasting Sraffa’s core contribution to classical economics, Chirashree Das Gupta distinguishing Marx from classical economics, Anjan Mukherji taking stock of general equilibrium theory in the light of Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu theorems, K.L. Krishna engaging with the history of econometrics as well as its development in India, Tirthankar Roy reflecting on the historicity of writings of Indian economic history, Sunanda Sen trying to identify theoretical foundations of the pre-Independence Indian Nationalists’ writings to young scholars, Alex M. Thomas finding Keynesian themes in pre-Smithian authors and Sheetal Bharat reflecting on how differently women responded to the British Raj depending on which side of the divide they stood.