Our final chapter has contributions from four people. Firstly, from the UK we have Sarah Butchard’s story. She is a clinical psychologist who has worked on human rights in clinical settings and explored how best they can be deployed to help those who are at risk of having their needs not met, or their rights violated. She has worked alongside Tommy Dunne, who lives with dementia, and is part of a group who have developed some wonderful online videos of their experiences (https://tinyurl.com/Tommy-s-HR-Story). Tommy gives an account of what it means to him to have learned about human rights and how they can help him and others in his situation. Then we have Hilda Engel, a tireless worker for human rights in The Netherlands, who describes the inspiring work they have been doing with young people so that they learn about the relevance of human rights in their own lives and in the lives of other people. The final story, by Artemis Giotsa, is from Greece, where Artemis, as psychologist and professor at the university, has witnessed in recent times many people coming to the aid of those fleeing from persecution and conflict and how human rights has been a key way of understanding what needs to be done. The financial crisis was also witness to human rights violations on a wide scale. We hope you will think about these stories and relate them to your own lives and what your own story is.