In this chapter we reflect on what teacher education means within the paradigm of questioning the world. With this in mind, we present a proposal of “study and research paths for teacher education” (SRPs-TE), a teacher education format elaborated within the anthropological theory of the didactic based on the collective study of a professional teaching question carried out by teacher-students under the guidance of educators. After describing the structure of SRPs-TE in five modules, we present three case studies implemented with pre- and in-service teacher-students of different school levels: primary, secondary and university. We point out the potential of SRPs-TE, especially for empowering teachers to carry out epistemological and didactic questioning and for disseminating didactic tools elaborated in research to the teaching practice. We finish by considering the common aspects of the analysed experiences and raising some open issues that might enrich the future development of SRPs-TE.