I had to get up early in the morning, before sunrise. The SWAPO vehicle came at about six o'clock to take me to Transit, SWAPOs settlement just outside of Luanda, Angola. I had been waiting almost a week in Luanda for this moment. Because of the recent attack in Kalulo, where the UNITA 1 rebels had taken a group of nuns as hostage, we were advised to wait until the road to Kwanza-Sul could be cleared by the PLAN fighters. I spent the extra days in Luanda preparing for my first visit to a SWAPO reftigee camp. I had been asked by die Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to see what Sweden could do to support teaching and learning for the many Namibian children who lived in exile. I had met many refugees from southern Africa both through the solidarity group of which I was a member while in Sweden and while working in Botswana for two years. In the early 1980s Botswana was a transit country for many refugees who spent some time in Dukwe, not far from Francistown, where I was based.