Many systems have been proposed over the years to score Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) narratives, but none of them has achieved widespread usage (Aronow, Weiss, & Reznikoff, 2001; Dana, 1985; Vane, 1981). Some of the systems intend to be comprehensive whereas others focus on specific variables. Comprehensive systems raise concerns about theoretical and cultural issues and are often described as cumbersome and time consuming. Conversely, TAT systems focused on single variables are considered more appropriate for research than for clinical practice. The system proposed in this chapter

integrates features from a comprehensive psychocultural TAT scoring system developed by George A. De Vos within the field of psychological anthropology and concepts from contemporary theories of human motivation and interpersonal behavior developed within the fields of personality and clinical psychology. This system aims to overcome common objections to TAT scoring systems by combining comprehensiveness and practicality.