A traditional assumption in risk communication is that audiences will improve their decision making in response to risk if armed with more information that is accurate (Finucane, Slovic, Mertz, Flynn, & Satterfield, 2000; Lindell & Perry, 2004). However, as Finucane et al. (2000) found, “Extensive efforts to educate the public…have failed to move public opinion to coincide with the experts” (p. 160). When audiences do react to risk messages, organizations and governments often assume that the response will be either panic, about risks that have low probability, or denial, about risks prevalent in everyday life (Scherer & Juanillo, 2003). According to Scherer and Juanillo (2003), “Individuals may worry about the risks of West Nile Virus with family or friends as they continue to smoke, consume high-fat foods, or ignore their doctor’s instructions” (p. 222).