In 1995, John Dilulio predicted a “juvenile crime bomb” with the “coming of 40 million 10 year old and under … fatherless, godless and jobless” predators (Butterfield, 1995). The growing minority population in the United States was an indication of the “coming of super predators”with the advent of tens of thousands of “severely morally impoverished juvenile super predators” (Butterfield, 1995). The super-predators “fear neither the stigma of arrest nor the pain of imprisonment … They will do what comes naturally: murder, rape, rob, assault, burglarize, deal deadly drugs, and get high” (Butterfield, 1995). According to Matza (1964) delinquency evolves from a deviant subculture that exposes the individual to crime and teaches deviant behavior or low values that causes them to deviate from the norms of society. “Fatherless, godless and jobless … youth crime bomb” are not terms used to describe White, middle-class families. They are the terms to describe citizens using social class, race, gender, and cultural background. These are terms used to represent youth as pathologically bad and to frame the ideological foundation for zero tolerance school discipline policies.