Most scholars now accept that very near the end of the sixth century – the date 508-07 is normally used, though with no guarantee of certainty – the Athenians established a form of government which had at least the outline of democracy. The Athenians themselves used the term isonomia (equality before the law), not coining the more familiar term until later (the first use we know is in Herodotus). The assembly (ekkle-sia), which all citizens (free-born Athenian men over the age of 18; women were excluded) were entitled to attend, was the legislative body; the council (boule-) consisted of 500 citizens elected from the ten tribes sortitively (i.e. by lot), and was the executive body; the collection of law courts (the heliaia) was served by an annual roll of 6,000 jurors, who were not only sortitively elected, but arbitrarily assigned to particular cases.