Different arguments have been employed to address this complex relation to traditional disciplines and organisational structures of academia. Should feminist studies be organised as an area of its own-e.g., in the shape of a centre/unit/department for feminist studies? Or should it be integrated into existing disciplinarily organised departments? Today, it is recognised by a majority of feminist researchers that there is no point in pursuing a

one-size-fi ts-all model. There is a widespread consensus that the strategy of making feminist studies into an area of its own can exist side by side with the strategy of integrating critical feminist perspectives into existing disciplines. Although adopting the stance that these different strategies for the institutionalisation of feminist studies are not mutually exclusive is pragmatic, it does not, however, solve all problems. It is still pertinent to ask: what does it mean to do feminist studies? How does the doing of feminist studies relate to the question of disciplinarity/interdisciplinarity? How can the umbrella term ‘interdisciplinarity’ be refi ned to grasp different modes of discipline-transgressing work?