Intersectionality has become a central concept in the understanding of interrelations among sociocultural identifi cation and differentiation categories such as gender, ethnicity, sexuality, race, age and dis/ability. The concept emphasises that the effects of these categories cannot be understood in isolation from each other. A variety of metaphors has been taken up to illustrate the nature of these interrelations-to name but a few: ‘weaving,’ ‘entangling,’ ‘interplay,’ ‘tinting,’ ‘toning,’ ‘imbuing,’ ‘interlocking’ and ‘crosswise and overlapping movements.’ This chapter will focus on the concept of intersectionality and some of its theoretical calibrations, which we see as productive in relation to analytical usage of the term in the sociopsychological exploration of diversity with regard to gender, more specifi cally in connection with the paths to high-ranking managerial appointment.