Abolish it by means of “antidiscrimination” policy, and protect or promote it by means of “multiculturalism” policy. In other words, liberaldemocratic norms require the simultaneous rendering of invisible and visible ethnic diversities. (p. 451)

This formulation raises interesting questions about the relationship between antidiscrimination and multiculturalist policies, and the extent of their dependence on each other. The distinction is particularly relevant to the current Hong Kong context-Hong Kong is grappling with its fi rst Racial Discrimination Ordinance. Joppke’s “antidiscrimination” element characterizes the bill that was introduced to the Legislative Council in December 2006 and passed into law in July 2008. Clause 8 of the bill regards “race” as “the race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin of a person” (Home Affairs Bureau, 2006). The objectives of the bill are as follows (Legislative Council, 2006c, pp. 1-2):

to make racial discrimination and harassment in prescribed areas and • vilifi cation on the ground of race unlawful and to prohibit serious vilifi cation on that ground; and to extend the jurisdiction of the Equal Opportunities Commission to • cover racial discrimination.