What happens to indigenous or traditional medicine when Western education, in particular Western concepts of science and Christianity, dominate formal education in African societies? This study looks at the case of Nsukka Local Government Area or Northern Igbo societies located in Enugu State. The overall result is traditional medicine becomes viewed by Western educated Igbo at best as an “alternative” or “complimentary” medical source and at worst as “evil acts.” It is important to consider the dual effect of Western Science and Christian doctrine. Christian doctrine provides a reason to reject the role of the dibia or herbalist along with their medicinal abilities.2 Western science provides the idea of “validation” through experimental or clinical tests with written proof. If the “medicine” was not proven to work through this method and written documentation provided, then it must not be reliable or it may even be dangerous. These two factors work together to marginalize, even negate, indigenous sciences. The specifi c outcomes on formal education participants are much more varied than at fi rst anticipated. These infl uences are explored through the student and parent and adult participant voices in Nsukka LGA.