These three pockets have developed a power triangular model militant structure, which not only causes losses of public lives and damages to public/private properties, but also poses a serious threat to internal security on three levels: 1) weakening the writ of the state and state-society relationship; 2) disturbing the sectarian, social and cultural equilibrium of the society; and 3) slowing down economic development. Its regional and global implications for Pakistan are more catastrophic as it damages the legitimate strategic interests of the country, creating a hostile regional atmosphere and providing a major irritant to relations with neighbouring countries, including not only India and Afghanistan but also China and Iran. Despite the harbouring scenario, the support base of these militant groups is not extensive. However, global, regional and domestic conditions put them in vulnerable and equally demanding situations. The state has the capacity and willingness to wipe out the militants and to dismantle their networks but it requires careful strategic planning, learning from best practices – both local and international – and, most importantly, a long-term comprehensive policy.