The topic of bullying is in the forefront of education. Teachers and administrators are increasingly aware of the problem and its potential negative effects on all parties involved as suggested by Olweus (1993) and Wang et al. (2009). The concept of cyber bullying, however, has received large amounts of research only within the last decade, and those initial investigations revolved largely around children and their experiences (Campbell, 2005). The realization that cyber bullying occurs in the workplace is an even more recent revelation. In a search of the EBSCOHost newspaper database, the term “cyber bully” was first coined in the popular press in 2004 with an article titled “Cyberbullies cause real pain” in the New York Times (Linn et al., 2004). That year there were only three articles found that contained the term. In 2011, however, there were 47 articles in the database containing the term “cyberbully” or “cyber bully.” This increase in the number of times the term is used would indicate that public awareness growing.