When I (Tanya) was asked to introduce myself and how I became involved in systemic family therapy, I was not entirely sure exactly where to start. Had I always thought systemically? Had I always seen and experienced patterns in families, and in my own family? Had I noticed PIPs and HIPs in my own family-of-origin? I think not, at least not consciously. Similar to noticing PIPs in a relational context, it is not until you notice and reflect on your transitional history that change patterns become identifiable. Prior to my doctoral counseling psychology internship at the Calgary Family Therapy Centre (CFTC) I had been engaged in traditional individual therapy (primarily cognitive behavior therapy, CBT) practicum experiences. I worked with clients to change their distorted thoughts and dysfunctional behaviors toward more functional and healthy ways of being and living. I was often frustrated by a lack of progress outside of the therapy context; it was as though clients reverted back to their dysfunction as soon as they returned to their relational contexts (i.e., with their children or spouse). This was part of my motivation to begin working in family therapy; I thought I could help facilitate more sustained change if family members were involved.