How is one to understand Hitler's rabid hatred of Jews, which received its ultimate expression in the Holocaust, one of the most monstrous deeds in the history of the world? Some have argued that evil of such magnitude is beyond human comprehension and should simply be recognized for what it is and left at that (Lanzmann, as reported in Rosenbaum, 1998). A view that goes a step further is that the attempt to explain such evil is not only futile, it is immoral (Lanzmann and Prokhorus, as reported in Rosenbaum, 1998). It is immoral because it is an indignity to its victims, as understanding evokes sympathy, which confers a measure of dignity to an act that warrants only abhorrence. Others believe that Hitler's behavior is outside the realm of natural phenomena and requires consideration of the occult (Fackenheim and Trevor-Roper, as reported in Rosenbaum, 1998). Yet others have suggested that attempting to explain such great evil is dangerous, as it can contaminate any who confront it (Des Pres and Frankenheim, as reported in Rosenbaum, 1998, p. 287). Such beliefs contain an element of superstition, as they put extremely abhorrent human behavior as beyond the pale of human nature and understanding.