In Pittura Scultura Futuriste of 1914, Boccioni states, “. . . [R]eality is not to be found in the object but in the transfi guration of the object as it becomes identifi ed with the subject.” 5 According to Boccioni, reality can only be experienced through an object in as much as the perceiving subject is able to identify with the object in question. 6 This statement pursues one of the key arguments brought up in the “Technical Manifesto of Futurist Literature.” In this text, Marinetti declares war against the literary “I” so as to be able intuitively to contemplate matter with its “crowd of massed molecules and whirling electrons.” 7 Given his persistent emphasis on the fl uctuating

state of matter and the intuitive relation of the subject and the object, it can be argued that Marinetti, in his writings, assumes a new defi nition of the “self” that is at once “intersubjective” and dynamic. As such, Marinetti endeavours to omit psychology altogether from literature in favour of a subject of multiple identities alternating according to various assemblages, in order to generate a new form of subjectivity.