The United Nations declared 2005-2014 the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development to encourage schools around the world to incorporate sustainability into their curricula (Bardaglio 2007 ; Lozano-Garcia et al. 2008 ). Schools of higher education in particular, have made some progress on this front by greening their campuses and conducting research about sustainable development. Progress for incorporating sustainability into the classroom, however, has been slow (Calhoun 2005 ). That is not to say, however, that universities have been completely complacent in changing curricula. There are examples of universities in the United States that are in the process of integrating, or have successfully integrated, the topic into all types of classroom subjects (e.g. Emory University, Northern Arizona University). It is unclear, however, the extent to which sustainability is infused into hospitality higher education curricula (Tesone 2004 ).