This chapter provides one set of answers to the overall research question guiding the ALTUR project: What factors, challenges, and contexts contribute to and constrain literacy achievement among at-risk adolescent learners with culturally diverse backgrounds? The chapter presents the results of our cross-case analyses from the in-depth case studies of the seven students (with self-selected pseudonyms) that appear in Appendices A to G of this book: Angel, Hassan, Jacob, K-9, MMFresh, Ning, and Peter. This perspective focuses on students’ situations, interactions, developments, and challenges evident during tutoring over one school year. Our methods for conducting, preparing, and analyzing the case studies are described in Chapter 1. Chapter 9 of this book provides a complementary perspective, analyzing tutors’ perceptions about these same events and describing their approaches to the issues, which in turn form a basis for suggestions for instruction, curricula, and policies in Chapter 10.