Despite their identifi cation as “at risk” for literacy abilities, all 21 students participating in the ALTUR project regularly read a variety of types of texts both in and outside of school. Over the school year, the students also made certain achievements in their reading. The present chapter describes these reading practices and achievements, documenting the types and frequencies of texts that the students read; the languages they used; their contexts, diffi - culties, and approaches to reading; their perceptions of themselves as readers; and their performance on reading assessments. As with the companion analyses of their writing in Chapter 6, this analysis combines several data sources (described in Chapter 1) for the 18 students whose assessment data were deemed reliable: checklists of routine reading practices, stimulated recall protocols of recent reading tasks, and standardized reading assessments-each administered near the start and end of the school year. The fi ndings from this chapter are interpreted in Chapter 10 in relation to the overall question guiding the ALTUR project: What factors, challenges, and contexts contribute to and constrain literacy achievement among at-risk adolescent learners with culturally diverse backgrounds?