Nationally, most states are implementing some form of Response to Intervention (RTI) to identify and serve students who struggle socially and academically (IDEA National Assessment Implementation Study, Institute for Education Sciences (IES), 2011). Zirkel (2011) found that 46 states had language about RTI and its use in preventing and intervening in academic problems in their laws or guidelines, and 35 of these states had language about approaches to preventing and intervening in behavior problems. Further, the IDEA National Assessment Implementation Study (IES, 2011) indicated that 49 states had some type of RTI commission, task force, or internal working group – suggesting that nearly every state was interested in promoting RTI approaches. State leaders also recognize the need to prepare their teachers for working within an RTI framework. In 40 states there are organized trainings on RTI, and in 37 states technical assistance is provided to school districts or schools interested in or engaged in implementing RTI (IES, 2011).