Qualitative analysis is as old as the study of societies and cultures itself. It was known by different names until the second half of last century; however, it has evolved over the centuries. Qualitative analysis, as we know it today, has in a way been the same as the researches of Malinowski or Mead, yet in many ways improved. Military organization is a constituent of every society12 and therefore is subjected to the interests of society and needs to be studied. Problems occurring within a military organization are in many aspects the same as in any other (e.g., family and friends, motivation, fears, love, trust, satisfaction with superiors, etc.). Despite that, they deserve special attention since people influenced by those problems use weapons every day they are on duty. Due to its specific features of being a closed institution with strong internal socialization, it is very hard to enter or study it. After overcoming this first barrier, the researcher needs to cope with several other obstacles and limitations narrowing the research options. It is pretty challenging to conduct research within military walls considering limitations such as the prohibition on using a tape recorder, dealing with people participating in the research because they have been ordered to do so and yet are expected not to tell too much or even reveal some inconvenient facts, feelings, ideas, observations, etc. concerning individuals. However, years of research show that certain methods are more appropriate than others. The triangulation of methods, structured and standardized open-ended interviews, combined with observation with participation and sometimes also with group interviews has proven to be