The mission of human resource management (HRM) as an area of scholarship and application is achieving a good fit between people and their work, and employee selection is a primary means of doing this. Organizational agents must induce job seekers to apply, evaluate the relative qualifications of applicants, and then choose among them. Selection decisions range from initial screening in which applicants are moved to the next stage of scrutiny (e.g., the decision of a recruiter to recommend inviting for an in-house interview) to the final offer of employment. Employee selection is arguably the area of research in HRM and industrial and organizational psychology that has made the most progress in research and theory and has had the greatest impact on HRM practice. The psychometric approach is the dominant paradigm and tends to treat selection as a set of scales, inventories, and tests to be administered, scored, and then plugged into selection decisions. However, selection is a dynamic process in which job seekers and various agents of the organization exchange information and construct meaning in the pursuit of their individual objectives. This has not been ignored in communication research, which has produced an impressive body of findings on the employment interview (e.g., Jablin, 2001). Yet, selection involves more than interviewing. This chapter explores possible ways that an understanding of communication can contribute to the understanding and improvement of selection in organizations.