How do the examples in this chapter help us understand the practice of storytelling in the mobile media age? By looking at how storygames have been adapted for mobile devices, this chapter points to the practice of these games as being largely determined by the platform’s affordances (such as GPS capabilities) as well as the various social uses that have become integrated with the device. Mobile storygames differ from games played on a console at home (as storygames on a mobile device can be played in small pieces throughout the day) and thus the kinds of narratives that are experienced have had to adapt to this mode of gameplay. As the game spaces and temporal aspects change, so do the expectations for reader involvement. Mobile devices are used for capturing the world around us, and this ability is increasingly being incorporated into the ways readers/players interact with storygames. The participants can now use their location, the images they capture on their phones, and their social network as elements of the storygame. What has emerged is thus an augmented reality for games using mobile media, one in which the physical landscape interacts with constantly transforming data to tell stories in unique ways.