How do the examples in this chapter help us understand the practice of storytelling in the mobile media age? Many mobile and locative media projects testify to the power of these emerging wireless and networked systems to introduce narrative as a way to augment, annotate, or add historical richness to public spaces. These projects transform participants into story bearers who keep the narratives of the unique character, histories, and local experiences of a place alive. But there is also the potential for mobile and locative media to change one’s relationship to a place by introducing distant events or circumstances onto local spaces and making events that are happening elsewhere highly relevant to the immediate, local space. This chapter discusses works that map temporal and geospatial shifts to create a spatial layering that offers viewers a distinct sense of juxtaposition and dissonance. These clashes are important opportunities to form new narratives. Ultimately, these narratives can be potentially more expansive experiences where empathy can play a prominent role.
