The phenomenon of political transition in Africa is a very complex subject. It is full of intrigues, secrecy, and all manner of internal and external dynamics that are not always easy to discern. Not any one country’s transition can be mapped out plainly with specifi city that attends other topics in Africa. Take the case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the assassination of Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and his subsequent replacement by Mobutu Sese Seko in the 1960s has remained a mystery, eliciting a lot of contrasting accounts. More recently, the transition from Laurent Desiré Kabila to his son Joseph Kabila Kabange in the same country has equally raised more ambiguity in regard to what exactly happened. It is for these reasons that this book seeks to unravel some of the intrigues and external and internal factors that have attended political transition and regime change in Africa.