Among the wide range of vascular types that have been described in the literature, basically six main morphologic categories can be identified (Table 7.1). These are dotted, comma-like, linear irregular, glomerular, hairpin, and arborizing vessels (Figure 7.1). With some exceptions, dotted, comma-like, and linear irregular vessels are associated with melanocytic lesions, whereas the remaining categories are generally indicative of nonmelanocytic tumors (Figure 7.2). 1 , 2 Description of Vascular Morphologies and Their Corresponding Traditional (Metaphoric) and Descriptive Terminologies.


Traditional terminologies

Descriptive terminologies

Tiny red dots densely aligned next to each other.

Dotted vessels

Red dots

Coarse vessels that are slightly curved and barely branching.

Comma vessels

Linear curved

Linear irregularly shaped, sized, and distributed red structures.

Linear irregular

Linear straight; linear serpentine

Tortuous capillaries often distributed in clusters. They are usually larger than the dotted/red dot vascular pattern.


Linear coiled

Vascular loops sometimes twisted and bending.


Linear looped

Vessels of large diameter that branch irregularly into finest terminal capillaries. The vessel’s color is bright red, being sharply focused in dermoscopic images because of their location on the surface of the tumor (just below the epidermis).


Branching serpentine and linear serpentine

Schematic drawing of the six most common types of vascular morphology. Upper left: dotted vessels; upper middle: comma vessels; upper right: linear irregular vessels; lower left: glomerular vessels; lower middle: hairpin vessels; lower right: arborizing vessels. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429161964/d0b9c277-5e24-4f0a-ac40-abb327626dd5/content/fig7_1.tif"/> Dermoscopic images of the six most common types of vascular morphology. Upper left: dotted vessels; upper middle: comma vessels; upper right: linear, irregular vessels; lower left: glomerular vessels; lower middle: hairpin vessels; lower right: arborizing vessels. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429161964/d0b9c277-5e24-4f0a-ac40-abb327626dd5/content/fig7_2.jpg"/>