As so often in medicine, the diagnosis, when a patient presents with itching (pruritus) during pregnancy, can frequently be made from taking a history and careful examination. Investigations are rarely required. The differential diagnosis (Table 1) is made up of causes both specific to and unrelated to pregnancy. Common causes of itching in pregnancy

Itching related to pregnancy

Itching unrelated to pregnancy

Rashes in pregnancy a

Rashes from skin disease

Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy

Atopic eczema

Pemphigoid gestationalis

Eczema (other causes; e.g. contact)

Prurigo of pregnancy


Pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy

Xerosis (dry skin)

Lichen planus

Pityriasis rosea


Rashes from metabolic changes of pregnancy

Metabolic causes

Hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism b


Cholestasis c impairment

Liver disease

Iron deficiency

Renal impairment

Iron deficiency

other causes

Scabies and infestations

Tinea (fungal skin disease)

HIV-related skin disease

Localised itching

Vulval itch d

See Rashes in pregnancy.

See Thyroid problems in pregnancy.

See Jaundice and liver disease in pregnancy.

See Vulval itching.