(Privacy preserved e-society consists of three intangible factors firstfy applications, which have data to share with authorized chients; secondly clients who wants data that contains in the applications and finally the privacy control factor which is required to maintain records about the purposes. In a xvorld of virtually countless database capability, security breaches have the possibility to liberate millions of records into the hands of hackers or mischiefs. (People now a day are more concerned about their personal information, which is supposed to be leaded out from the organizations to which they are trading online, dhere are many global and indigenous organizations, which conducts trading xvith Indian group through Internet. ‘The significant point to be noted xvith respect to these organizations is to male their personal and financial information totally secure so that no unauthorized person or organization should acquire their data to mistreat over the Internet. Jin empirical study is conducted to evaluate the existence and format of privacy policies of diverse organizations xvith relevance to India in conducting online business through their websites. (The endeavor of this paper is to throw more light on the study, methodology, modus operandi and its results.