Probiotics are the “live microorganisms” and, of course, nondigestible food ingredient. They are given in sufficient quantities to achieve health benefit by selectively exciting the growth and activity of restricted bacterial varieties already present in the intestines [1]. They were initially employed to recover the health of animals and humans by intonation of the intestinal microbiota [2]. Currently, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains are used to reduce the risk and treat gastrointestinal (GI) infections [3]. Apart from its role in protection of gut, probiotics also exercise other health benefits like improvement in lactose intolerance, escalation of humoral immune responses, recovery of postmenopausal symptoms by biotransformation of isoflavones, bioactive peptides conversions, and dropping serum cholesterol concentrations [4,5]. Prebiotics on other hand are the types of dietary fiber which are neither hydrolyzed nor absorbed in the GI tract. They selectively induce the population of single or more potentially advantageous intestinal bacteria known as probiotics by providing food and creating an environment suitable for probiotics to flourish [6]. Some other synbiotics, which consist of combination of probiotics and prebiotics, are also used.