Wine aroma is very complex due to the large number of volatile compounds that it contains. More than 800 volatile compounds have been found in wine, and some of them provide a relevant response in the olfactory system with a wide range of concentrations that varies from a few ng/L to hundreds of mg/L (de Castilhos et al., 2019). These compounds are widely known thanks to the large number of analytical techniques available (Flanzy, 2000). Wine aroma is important for determining wine quality and therefore wine value (Aleixandre-Tudo et al., 2015; Gambetta et al., 2014; Mihnea et al., 2015). Various aromatic compounds can be distinguished in wine, and they depend on several factors such as grape variety, season, terroir, grape maturity, viticultural practices, fermentation conditions, and conservation, with grape maturity and alcoholic fermentation being the most critical stages. In addition, the release and perception of the aroma largely depend on physical and environmental aspects, such as the wine temperature or the shape of the glass (Ayestarán et al., 2019; Gambetta et al., 2014; Styger, Prior, and Bauer, 2011).440