In the last era ‘Epigenetics’ have concerned many researchers and scientists to unravel the hidden truth of gene expression without changing the sequence in DNA. Epigenetics govern the molecular mechanism of gene expression which converts genetic information to phenotypic information. Each cells inherit the same genetic code but the expression of genes are regulated by its ‘epigenetic landscape’; the term “Epigenetics” was coined by Conrad Hal Waddington (Waddington 1953) (Stern 2000). Epigenetic traits can pass through generations by mitosis or even meiosis with changing the primary DNA sequence. Recent discoveries have helped us to recognize the role of epigenetic landscape in the development of different diseases including cancer. The methylation in cytosine base of DNA, modifications of histones which changes the nucleosome dynamics and microRNA mediated genetic regulation forms the driving factors for epigenetic modifications. Nanoparticles and nanotechnology have now become synonymous with various therapeutic, diagnostic, fitness and cosmetic products. The emergence of nanotechnology in various fields may be due to their exceptional optical, magnetic and biological properties. However, the concept of nanotechnology was presented way back in 1957 by Prof. Richard Feynman, where in his famous lecture at Caltech University he proposed the idea of nanotechnology and said “there is plenty of room at the bottom”. The term nanotechnology was coined in 1974 by Prof. Nario Taniguchi. Nanoparticles can be defined as very small objects that can act as a whole entity in terms of its physical, chemical and optical properties. Nanoparticles have a contrastingly different optical, mechanical, thermal and catalytic behaviour from their own bulk materials due to their increase in surface area to volume ratio. With increased application of nanoparticles starting from textiles, water and air purifiers, detergents, washing machines, paints, furniture, mobiles, television sets, ointments, sunscreens, creams, medicines, diagnostic instruments, bone cement, prosthetic materials, sutures and wound healing materials, they has invaded every household appliances and hence, the toxicity related with them cannot be ruled out (Nayak, Pradhan et al. 2015).228