Pasture management has several objectives: (1) harvesting the forage either through grazing or removal for hay, silage, or cut fodder; (2) preservation of a productive, vigorous sward; (3) maintenance of productive, desirable forage plants in the sward; and (4) provision of a continuous feed supply for animals. Management practices to obtain these objectives can include use of different stocking rates, grazing with various classes or types of animals, seasonal grazing, use of different grazing systems, use of fertilizers, selection of the proper pasture species or mixtures, weed control, fencing, location of water points or salt licks, and use of deferred grazing or reserve pastures. The management system employed will vary greatly depending on several factors, including: size of farm, skill and background of the farmer, type of soil and its fertility, rainfall, spacing of palms, cost and availability of fertilizers, availability of suitable planting materials or fencing materials, and available markets.