The Corporate Responsibility Code Book has become the go-to guide for companies trying to understand the landscape of corporate responsibility and searching for their own, unique route towards satisfying diverse stakeholders. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. A company may face quite different challenges if it operates in more than one part of the world. And yet stakeholders, especially consumers and investors, are keen for some degree of comparability with which they can evaluate corporate performance. There are countervailing forces at work within corporate responsibility: on the one hand is the need for convergence in order to simplify the large numbers of codes and standards; and, on the other hand, the need to foster diversity and innovation.

Many of the best codes of conduct and standards are not well known, while some CR instruments that are well disseminated are not terribly effective. Some comprehensive codes of conduct achieve nothing, while other quite vague codes of conduct become well embedded into the organization and foster innovation and change. This landmark book explains the best CR instruments available, and distils their most valuable elements.

In the fully revised third edition, Deborah Leipziger widens her lens to provide detailedanalysis of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Gender EqualityPrinciples and ISO 26000 while updating other key tools such as the Equator Principles, the OECD guidelines and GRI’s new G4 framework.

The codes in this book cover a wide range of issues, including human rights, labour rights,environmental management, corruption and corporate governance. The book also includeshow-to (or process) codes focusing on reporting, stakeholder engagement and assurance.

chapter |3 pages


Size: 0.07 MB

chapter |2 pages

Introduction to the third edition

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Size: 0.16 MB
Size: 0.14 MB

part |1 pages

Part I: Global initiatives

Size: 0.32 MB

chapter 3|13 pages

The UN Global Compact

Size: 0.65 MB

chapter 4|60 pages

ISO 26000

Size: 0.58 MB

part |2 pages

Part II: Human rights

chapter 5|10 pages

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Size: 0.11 MB
Size: 0.11 MB
Size: 0.10 MB

part |4 pages

Part III: Labour rights

chapter 9|19 pages

Social Accountability 8000

Size: 0.18 MB
Size: 0.31 MB

chapter 11|10 pages

Ethical Trading Initiative: Base Code

Size: 0.08 MB
Size: 0.04 MB

part |1 pages

Part IV: Health issues

Size: 0.38 MB

part |3 pages

Part V: From environment to sustainability

Size: 0.05 MB

chapter |36 pages


Size: 0.26 MB
Size: 0.06 MB

part |4 pages

Part VI: Combating corruption

Size: 0.09 MB
Size: 0.13 MB

part |4 pages

Part VII: Corporate governance

Size: 0.23 MB

chapter 18|39 pages

The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

Size: 0.33 MB

part |1 pages

Part VIII: Company codes of conduct

chapter 19|6 pages

Shell’s General Business Principles

Size: 0.08 MB

chapter 20|5 pages

Johnson & Johnson’s ‘Credo’

Size: 0.08 MB

part |1 pages

Part IX: Framework and sectoral agreements

chapter 21|11 pages

Framework agreements

Size: 0.11 MB

chapter 22|8 pages

Sectoral agreements

Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 23|12 pages

The Equator Principles

Size: 0.32 MB

chapter 24|10 pages

The Principles for Responsible Investment

Size: 0.08 MB

part |1 pages

Part X: Gender

chapter 25|17 pages

The Gender Equality Principles

Size: 0.20 MB

part |1 pages

Part XI: Implementation

Size: 0.11 MB

chapter 27|15 pages

AccountAbility 1000 Assurance Standard

Size: 0.11 MB

chapter 28|2 pages

The Global Reporting Initiative

Size: 0.03 MB

chapter 29|2 pages

ISO 14001

Size: 0.05 MB

part |6 pages

Part XII: Visions for the future

chapter 30|2 pages

An emerging consensus

Size: 0.07 MB