In the current climate of terrorism, the facility manager is in a more critical position than ever before. Protecting the organization's building and its occupants from chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) attacks that are designed to disrupt and/or destroy business operation is becoming an increasingly important priority for facility managers using practice management.

Bioterrorism: A Guide for Facility Managers provides a rationale for systematically identifying and evaluating the key areas of practice management. The book is unique in scope, focusing upon the awareness of terrorist threat. It addresses CBR attacks, as well as other forms of terrorism concerns, such as mailroom security, bomb threats, etc., along with the necessary steps for prevention, how to assess vulnerability, how to improve emergency preparedness, and how to assure optimum response and recovery in the event of an attack. It also presents examples of "lessons learned" and mistakes to avoid.

By focusing on practice management, the text turns the challenges of facility management into opportunities for the facility manager. These opportunities are manifested in an enhanced productivity that aligns itself with ensuring the safety of building employees, occupants and tenants, as well as with business operations.

Size: 0.19 MB

chapter Chapter 2|18 pages

Building Vulnerability

Size: 0.79 MB
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chapter Chapter 4|11 pages

Safeguarding Buildings

Size: 0.13 MB

chapter Chapter 5|5 pages

Dirty Bombs

Size: 0.12 MB

chapter Chapter 6|20 pages

Biological And Chemical Releases

Size: 1.42 MB

chapter Chapter 7|8 pages

Regulatory Compliance

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chapter Chapter 8|20 pages

Assessing and Managing Risk

Size: 1.23 MB

chapter Chapter 9|22 pages

Crisis Management

Size: 1.91 MB

chapter Chapter 10|16 pages

Evacuation and Shelter-In-Place

Size: 0.15 MB