Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World collects the papers presented at the 28th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018 in Trondheim, Norway, June 17-21, 2018.

The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include:
- foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management
- mathematical methods in reliability and safety
- risk assessment
- risk management
- system reliability
- uncertainty analysis
- digitalization and big data
- prognostics and system health management
- occupational safety
- accident and incident modeling
- maintenance modeling and applications
- simulation for safety and reliability analysis
- dynamic risk and barrier management
- organizational factors and safety culture
- human factors and human reliability
- resilience engineering
- structural reliability
- natural hazards
- security
- economic analysis in risk management

Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World will be invaluable to academics and professionals working in a wide range of industrial and governmental sectors: offshore oil and gas, nuclear engineering, aeronautics and aerospace, marine transport and engineering, railways, road transport, automotive engineering, civil engineering, critical infrastructures, electrical and electronic engineering, energy production and distribution, environmental engineering, information technology and telecommunications, insurance and finance, manufacturing, marine transport, mechanical engineering, security and protection, and policy making.

part 1|99 pages

Accident and incident modeling

Size: 3.13 MB
Size: 2.33 MB

chapter 3|9 pages

Analysis on factors of subway incidents for signal system maintenance improving based on a hybrid model

ByS. Zhang, T. Tang, R. Niu, F. Yan, L. Yue, L. Wan
Size: 4.64 MB

chapter 5|7 pages

Understanding and effectively managing conservatisms in safety analysis

BySteven Krahn, Mohammad Modarres, James O’Brien
Size: 1.77 MB

chapter 6|8 pages

Awareness and preparation of the population for emergencies

ByM. Vašková, M. Náplavová, J. Barta
Size: 1.22 MB
Size: 0.11 MB
Size: 4.33 MB

chapter 9|8 pages

Losing containment at high temperature and pressure—an experimental study with water-steam circuit

ByF. Heymes, P. Lauret, C. Lopez, P. Hoorelbeke
Size: 3.00 MB
Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 11|6 pages

A heterogeneous ensemble approach for the prediction of the remaining useful life of packaging industry machinery

ByF. Cannarile, P. Baraldi, M. Compare, D. Borghi, L. Capelli, E. Zio
Size: 0.98 MB

chapter 12|7 pages

Strength of knowledge assessment for risk informed decision making

ByTasneem Bani-Mustafa, Zhiguo Zeng, Enrico Zio, Dominique Vasseur
Size: 1.91 MB

part 2|39 pages

Economic analysis in risk management

Size: 1.28 MB
Size: 0.11 MB

chapter 15|8 pages

Behavioural modelling of attackers’ choices

ByS. Panda, I. Oliver, S. Holtmanns
Size: 0.43 MB

chapter 16|7 pages

Asset replacement decisions: A Markowitz efficient frontier approach to evaluate the trade-off between total costs and system availability

ByA.M. Teodoro-Filho, G.A. da Costa-Lima, L.A.N. Costa, F.C. Marinho, A. Prestes
Size: 3.13 MB

chapter 17|5 pages

Considerations related to insurance of cruise traffic in the arctic waters

ByK. Trantzas, O.T. Gudmestad, E.B. Abrahamsen
Size: 0.37 MB

part 3|155 pages

Organizational factors and safety culture

chapter 18|8 pages

The impact of personal liability concerns on incident reporting in engineered systems

ByJan Hayes, Janice Wong, Christina Scott-Young, Sarah Maslen
Size: 2.54 MB

chapter 19|6 pages

On the level of safety knowledge in the general public

ByG. Baldissone, M. Demichela, L. Comberti, E. Pilone, J. Geng, L. Maida
Size: 3.14 MB

chapter 20|8 pages

Safety climate and compliance in the Norwegian aquaculture industry—employees’ perceptions at different company levels

ByT.Ø. Kongsvik, T. Thorvaldsen, I.M. Holmen, K.V. Størkersen
Size: 0.11 MB

chapter 21|8 pages

Societal threat landscapes of petroleum industry activity in the high north

ByE. Okstad, T.O. Grøtan, A. Øren
Size: 1.88 MB
Size: 0.08 MB

chapter 23|7 pages

False alarm? Effects of reducing unnecessary dispatches by fire and rescue services

ByG. Gjøsund, P.G. Almklov, C. Sesseng
Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 24|8 pages

Role multiplexity and home-grown resilience: A study of part-time firefighters in rural emergency management

ByPetter G. Almklov, Marie Nilsen, Gudveig Gjøsund
Size: 0.39 MB

chapter 25|7 pages

Reorganization and downsizing in the petroleum sector

ByL.I.V. Bergh, R. Høydal, J.E. Tharaldsen, C. Aagestad, T. Sterud
Size: 0.12 MB

chapter 26|7 pages

Reviewing macro level factors as a foundation for understanding quality and patient safety improvement efforts across countries

ByT. Johannessen, E. Ree, S. Wiig, H. van de Bovenkamp, R. Bal
Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 27|8 pages

Multicultural workplaces: A state of the art study of the Norwegian construction industry

ByK. Wasilkiewicz, S.S. Kilskar, A. Øren, R.K. Tinmannsvik, I. Kilanowska
Size: 0.52 MB
Size: 1.00 MB

chapter 30|8 pages

Contributors to successful safety level in the Norwegian railway sector

ByDag Wilhelm Aarsland, Jørn Vatn
Size: 1.61 MB

chapter 31|8 pages

Tough men cry—learning from sharp end military aviation II

ByT.J. Steiro, C. Moldjord
Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 32|8 pages

Applying elements of the STAMP method to the reorganization of the German nuclear waste management

ByHeinz-Peter Berg, Stephan Griebel, Birgit Milius
Size: 1.14 MB

chapter 33|6 pages

Tourism industry facing crises: Setting the scene

ByC. Martin, F. Guarnieri, F. Lamm
Size: 0.07 MB

chapter 34|8 pages

Validation of a gamified measure of safety behavior: The SBT

ByC.B.D. Burt, L. Crowe, K. Thomas
Size: 3.67 MB
Size: 0.11 MB

chapter 36|8 pages

Reversing the trend through collaboration in the petroleum industry

ByK. Skarholt, G.M. Lamvik
Size: 0.09 MB

chapter 37|9 pages

Production and protection. Seafarers’ handling of pressure in gemeinschaft and gesellshaft

ByK.V. Størkersen, A. Laiou, T.O. Nævestad, G. Yannis
Size: 0.10 MB

part 4|212 pages

Human factors and human reliability

Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 39|5 pages

Verification of HTC Vive deployment capabilities for ergonomic evaluations in virtual reality environments

ByZ. Tůma, L. Kotek, J. Kroupa, P. Blecha, F. Bradáč
Size: 1.75 MB

chapter 40|7 pages

Challenges with data for human reliability analysis

ByK. Laumann, H. Blackman, M. Rasmussen
Size: 0.09 MB

chapter 41|6 pages

Usability and user experience: Adaption and application for a railway related environment

ByMarc Burkhardt, Birgit Milius
Size: 0.82 MB
Size: 1.33 MB

chapter 43|7 pages

Risk assessment in military transport—human factor in estimation of risk

ByJ. Ryczyński, M. Nowakowska
Size: 0.92 MB

chapter 44|8 pages

Study on seafarers’ emotion identification during watch-keeping using bridge simulation

ByS. Fan, J. Zhang, X. Yan, E. Blanco-Davis, Z. Yang, J. Wang
Size: 1.86 MB

chapter 45|9 pages

Accounting for human failure in autonomous ship operations

ByM.A. Ramos, I.B. Utne, J.E. Vinnem, A. Mosleh
Size: 1.51 MB
Size: 2.68 MB

chapter 47|8 pages

The weighting method’s impact on the weighting process in decision making problems

ByA. Tzioutziou, Y. Xenidis
Size: 0.57 MB

chapter 48|6 pages

A multi-discipline method to assess the human performance in manufacturing industry for safety and quality optimization

ByLorenzo Comberti, Micaela Demichela, Maria Chiara Leva
Size: 2.20 MB

chapter 49|9 pages

Symptom-based approach for dynamic HRA and accident management

ByG.I. Petkov
Size: 4.24 MB

chapter 50|9 pages

Data learning and expert judgment in a bayesian belief network for offshore decommissioning risk assessment

ByM.L. Fam, X.H. He, P. Hilber, L.S. Ong, D. Konovessis, H. K. Tan
Size: 3.68 MB
Size: 0.28 MB

chapter 52|9 pages

At least as safe as manned shipping? Autonomous shipping, safety and “human error”

ByT. Porathe, Å. Hoem, Ø. Rødseth, K. Fjørtoft, S.O. Johnsen
Size: 0.51 MB

chapter 53|6 pages

A computerized procedure system framework for U.S. utilities

ByR. Lew, R.L. Boring, T.A. Ulrich
Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 54|7 pages

Task level errors for human error prediction in GOMS-HRA

ByR.L. Boring, T.A. Ulrich, M. Rasmussen
Size: 0.80 MB
Size: 0.79 MB
Size: 0.88 MB

chapter 57|8 pages

Subjective assessment of risk among urban work travel cyclists

ByA.-M. Kummeneje, T. Rundmo
Size: 0.32 MB

chapter 58|8 pages

Applying an operational safety barrier framework in a major oil and gas field development project

ByJ.T. Ludvigsen, K. van de Merwe, E. Klemsdal le-Borgne, T. Teigen
Size: 0.61 MB

chapter 60|9 pages

Sensemaking and resilience in safety-critical situations: A literature review

ByS.S. Kilskar, B.-E. Danielsen, S.O. Johnsen
Size: 0.09 MB

chapter 61|7 pages

Task complexity, and operators’ capabilities as predictor of human error: Modeling framework and an example of application

ByM.C. Leva, A. Caimo, R. Duane, M. Demichela, L. Comberti
Size: 0.61 MB

chapter 62|8 pages

Bayesian aggregation of expert judgment data for quantification of human failure probabilities for radiotherapy

ByL. Podofillini, D. Pandya, F. Emert, A.J. Lomax, V.N. Dang, G. Sansavini
Size: 3.09 MB

part |216 pages

Maintenance modeling and applications

chapter |8 pages

An optimal maintenance policy based on partial information

Edited ByR. Ahmadi, S. Wu
Size: 0.87 MB

chapter |9 pages

Two imperfect repair models for a gamma deteriorating system: A comparison

Edited BySophie Mercier, I. T. Castro
Size: 1.81 MB

chapter |9 pages

A predictive approach to jointly schedule missions and maintenances for a deteriorating vehicle

Edited ByE. Robert, C. Bérenguer, K. Bouvard, H. Tedie, R. Lesobre
Size: 0.61 MB

chapter |8 pages

A concept for a holistic risk-based operation and maintenance strategy for wind turbines

ByChristian T. Geiss, Christian U. Grosse
Size: 1.10 MB

chapter |8 pages

Optimising the maintenance strategy for a multi-AGV system using genetic algorithms

ByR.D. Yan, S.J. Dunnett, L.M. Jackson
Size: 1.70 MB

chapter |9 pages

A modelling methodology for the assessment of preventive maintenance on a compressor drive system

ByY. Zhang, A. Barros, A. Rauzy, E. Lunde
Size: 3.70 MB

chapter |6 pages

A maintenance time estimated method based on virtual reality

ByJuan Wu, Dong Zhou, Pengyan Liu
Size: 1.85 MB

chapter |8 pages

Assessing the impact of operational context variables on rolling stock reliability. A real case study

ByJ. Izquierdo, A. Crespo, J. Uribetxebarria, A. Erguido
Size: 1.43 MB
Size: 2.52 MB

chapter |8 pages

Alternative Weibull analysis for road markings

An EM approach
ByMaxime Redondin, Nadège Faul, Laurent Bouillaut, Allou Samé, Dimitri Daucher
Size: 1.73 MB
Size: 1.56 MB

chapter |6 pages

Modelling demand-caused failures. Estimation procedure

ByR. Mullor, A.I. Sánchez, P. Martorell, S. Martorell
Size: 0.21 MB
Size: 4.24 MB

chapter |8 pages

The real-time reliability evaluation and sequential inspection decision based on Wiener process

BySenyang Bai, Zhijun Cheng, Yong Yang, Bo Guo
Size: 1.17 MB
Size: 2.38 MB

chapter |6 pages

Evaluation method of maintenance operation space based on virtual reality

ByPengyan Liu, Dong Zhou, Ziyue Guo, Juan Wu, Yuan Li
Size: 2.21 MB
Size: 0.61 MB

chapter |7 pages

Risk-based maintenance backlog

ByHarald Rødseth
Size: 1.52 MB

chapter |9 pages

Reliability-based maintenance optimization for the leased equipment with deterioration depending on age and usage

ByLijun Shang, Shubin Si, Zhiqiang Cai, Xianzhi Wang
Size: 1.60 MB

chapter |8 pages

A fuzzy evaluation method based on fuzzy consistency matrix for evaluating maintenance design program

Case study on heavy vehicle systems
ByX.J. Yi, Y.H. Lai, P. Hou, H.N. Mu
Size: 1.24 MB
Size: 3.57 MB
Size: 0.14 MB

chapter |6 pages

Bayesian update and aperiodic maintenance policy for deteriorating systems with unknown parameters

ByE. Mosayebi Omshi, A. Grall, A. Grall
Size: 1.79 MB

chapter |7 pages

An opportunistic maintenance policy for heterogeneous components

ByP.A. Scarf, C.A.V. Cavalcante, R.S. Lopes
Size: 0.22 MB

chapter |5 pages

Influence of selected external factors on satellite navigation signal quality

ByK. Krzykowska, M. Siergiejczyk, A. Rosiński
Size: 0.71 MB

chapter |9 pages

Bayesian approaches to lifetime prediction

ByF. Marsili, J. Bödefeld, P. Croce, F. Landi
Size: 2.28 MB
Size: 1.02 MB

part |229 pages

Mathematical methods in reliability and safety

chapter |8 pages

Bringing formal methods on the rail

On automatic verifying railroad interlockings from railML models
ByTim Gonschorek, Ludwig Bedau, Frank Ortmeier
Size: 1.18 MB

chapter |9 pages

Mathematical modelling of critical infrastructure reliability

ByD. Vališ, K. Hasilová, Z. Vintr, M. Forbelská
Size: 3.97 MB

chapter |5 pages

Self-healing networks

A theoretical approach to smart grids’ resilience
ByA. Scala, F. Morone, H. Makse
Size: 0.92 MB

chapter |7 pages

A new hybrid Bayesian network approach for modeling reliability

ByF. Petiet, O. François, L. Bouillaut
Size: 1.64 MB
Size: 0.50 MB

chapter |8 pages

Safety analysis of autonomous driving using semi-Markov processes

ByMattias Nyberg
Size: 0.94 MB

chapter |4 pages

Research on bayesian reliability growth evaluation method for mechanical products

ByJinyong Yao, Hao Wu, Tongmin Jiang, Yiliu Liu
Size: 0.14 MB

chapter |7 pages

Importance measure method for joint clearance of mechanism

ByZhongchao Sun, Tianxiang Yu, Weimin Cui, Bifeng Song
Size: 1.73 MB

chapter |4 pages

Multiaxial fatigue life prediction for turbine blades using finite element analysis

ByJie Zhou, Hong-Zhong Huang, Yan-Feng Li, Junyu Guo, Xiang-Yu Li
Size: 2.47 MB

chapter |3 pages

Maintenance of a drone fleet

ByA. Segal, Y. Bot
Size: 0.85 MB

chapter |6 pages

Statistical test planning using prior knowledge—advancing the approach of Beyer and Lauster

ByA. Grundler, M. Bartholdt, B. Bertsche
Size: 2.02 MB

chapter |9 pages

Advances in component fault trees

ByBernhard Kaiser, Daniel Schneider, Rasmus Adler, Dominik Domis, Felix Möhrle, Axel Berres, Marc Zeller, Kai Höfig, Martin Rothfelder
Size: 1.74 MB

chapter |8 pages

Comparison of machine learning algorithms on data from the nuclear industry

ByE. Remy, E. Dautrême, C. Talon, Y. Dirat, C. Dinse Le Strat
Size: 0.88 MB
Size: 1.04 MB

chapter |9 pages

A mathematical programming approach to railway network asset management

ByC. Fecarotti, J. Andrews
Size: 1.00 MB

chapter |6 pages

Operation and climate-weather change impact on maritime ferry safety

ByK. Kołowrocki, E. Kuligowska
Size: 0.70 MB
Size: 0.62 MB
Size: 3.20 MB
Size: 2.19 MB
Size: 0.62 MB
Size: 0.52 MB

chapter |9 pages

Structure function in analysis of multi-state system availability

ByM. Kvassay, V. Levashenko, J. Rabcan, P. Rusnak, E. Zaitseva
Size: 1.23 MB

chapter |8 pages

Advances in the simplification of Fault Trees automatically generated from AltaRica 3.0 models

ByM. Batteux, T. Prosvirnova, A. Rauzy
Size: 0.83 MB

chapter |7 pages

Enhancement of the AltaRica 3.0 stepwise simulator by introducing an abstract notion of time

ByM. Batteux, T. Prosvirnova, A. Rauzy
Size: 0.36 MB
Size: 3.37 MB
Size: 1.09 MB

chapter |8 pages

MLE versus MCMC estimators of the mixture of failure rate model

ByT.T. Thach, R. Briš
Size: 2.33 MB

chapter |9 pages

Probabilistic safety assessment and state prediction of cranes based on fuzzy theory

ByG. Shen, X.J. Zhang, X.L. Tang, S.T. Wang, G. Shen, D. Xiang
Size: 0.53 MB

part |209 pages

Prognostics and system health management

Size: 3.55 MB

chapter 121|6 pages

An evaluation method of methodology for integration of HALT, HASS and ADT

ByTianji Zou, Peng Li, Wei Dang, Kai Liu, Ge Zhang
Size: 2.35 MB
Size: 1.72 MB

chapter 123|9 pages

Fault diagnosis and remaining useful life prediction of multiple deteriorating components in hybrid dynamical system

ByOm Prakash, A.K. Samantaray, R. Bhattacharyya
Size: 3.89 MB

chapter 124|8 pages

Energy efficiency and predictive maintenance applications using smart energy measuring devices

ByS. Kotsilitis, E.C. Marcoulaki, E. Kalligeros, Y. Mousmoulas
Size: 1.01 MB

chapter 125|8 pages

A diagnosis method for diesel engine wear fault based on grey rough set and SOM neural network

BySilin Qian, Shenghan Zhou, Wenbing Chang, Yiyong Xiao, Fajie Wei
Size: 1.43 MB

chapter 126|8 pages

Anomaly indicators for Kaplan turbine components based on patterns of normal behavior

ByM.A. Sanz-Bobi, T. Welte, L. Eilertsen
Size: 4.29 MB
Size: 4.88 MB

chapter 128|8 pages

Prognostic and health management design for subsea applications

ByXiaojing Gao, Octavian Niculita, Don McGlinchey, Babakalli Alkali
Size: 2.43 MB

chapter 129|9 pages

A particle filtering approach for temperature based prognostics

ByA. Bender, W. Sextro
Size: 0.79 MB

chapter 130|8 pages

Prognostic and health management for safety barriers in infrastructures: Opportunities and challenges

ByA. Zhang, Y. Liu, A. Barros, Y. Wang
Size: 0.86 MB

chapter 131|8 pages

A deep variational auto-encoder based dimensionality reduction for fault diagnosis in ball bearings

ByG.A. San Martín, V. Meruane, E. López Droguett, M.C. Moura
Size: 0.86 MB

chapter 132|6 pages

Unsupervised deep generative adversarial based methodology for automatic fault detection

ByD.B. Verstraete, M. Modarres, E. López Droguett, A.N. Ferrada, V. Meruane
Size: 1.79 MB

chapter 133|7 pages

Computer vision for structural damage quantification: A novel residual deep learning based approach

ByN. Astorga, E. López Droguett, V. Meruane
Size: 1.60 MB

chapter 134|3 pages

Return on investment on PHM systems

ByA. Segal, Y. Bot
Size: 0.78 MB

chapter 135|8 pages

Reliability engineering based on operating data and monitoring systems within technical products

Challenges, requirements and approaches
ByS. Bracke, M. Hinz, C. van Gulijk, F. Gronwald, M. Muenker, M. Inoue, S. Yamada, E. Patelli, B. Ulutas, M. Bonato, T. Yamada
Size: 0.77 MB
Size: 0.17 MB

chapter 137|8 pages

A method for wind speed generation

ByJ. Ma, M. Fouladirad, A. Grall
Size: 1.79 MB

chapter 138|7 pages

The class of life time distributions with a mean residual life linear in time:

Application to prognostics and health management
ByP. Dersin
Size: 1.11 MB

chapter 139|7 pages

Join optimization of detectors’ fleet settings to maximize global detection power

ByP. Beauseroy, E. Grall-Maёs
Size: 4.04 MB

chapter 140|6 pages

Assessment method of the deterioration degree of asphalt concrete airport pavements

ByM. Zieja, P. Barszc, K. Blacha, M. Wesołowski
Size: 4.58 MB

chapter 141|9 pages

Applying Mahalanobis-Taguchi method to detect faults in rotating machinery

ByG.F.M. Souza, I.S. Melo, M.A.C. Michalski
Size: 2.82 MB

chapter 142|7 pages

Optimization of periodic inspection time of sis subject to a regular proof testing

ByH. Srivastav, A.V. Guilherme, A. Barros, M.A. Lundteigen, F.B. Pedersen, A. Hafver, F.L. Oliveira
Size: 0.94 MB

chapter 143|6 pages

Statistical comparison of three different measurement technologies

ByM. Hinz, A. Luecker, B. Bracke, C. Klostermann
Size: 1.65 MB

chapter 144|4 pages

Machine learning modeling for massive industrial data: Railroad peak kips prediction

ByC. Contreras, M. López-Campos, P. Escalona, R. Stegmaier, T. Grubessich
Size: 1.23 MB

chapter 145|7 pages

Adaptive meta-heuristic to predict dent depth damage in the fixed offshore structures

ByW. Punurai, M.S. Azad, N. Pholdee, C. Sinsabvarodom
Size: 2.38 MB

chapter 146|6 pages

Strategic view of an assets health index for making long-term decisions in different industries

ByA. De la Fuente, A. Guillén, A. Crespo, A. Sola, J. Gómez, P. Moreu, V. Gonzalez-Prida
Size: 0.51 MB

chapter 147|7 pages

Acoustic emission based fault diagnosis via a novel deep convolutional neural network method

ByD. González Toledo, V. Meruane, E. López Droguett, M. Modarres
Size: 3.07 MB

part |163 pages

Resilience engineering

chapter 148|7 pages

Best practices to improve public private people partnerships in the city resilience-building process

ByP. Marana, L. Labaka, J.M. Sarriegi
Size: 0.31 MB
Size: 0.78 MB

chapter 150|8 pages

The Kursk submarine disaster in view of resilience assessment

ByA. Leksin, U. Barth, R. Mock
Size: 1.66 MB
Size: 0.41 MB
Size: 3.13 MB

chapter 153|10 pages

ISRA: Improver societal resilience analysis for critical infrastructure

ByH. Rosenqvist, N.K. Reitan, L. Petersen, D. Lange
Size: 1.14 MB

chapter 154|9 pages

Novel methodologies for analysing critical infrastructure resilience

ByK. Storesund, N.K. Reitan, J. Sjöström, B. Rød, F. Guay, R. Almeida, M. Theocharidou
Size: 2.30 MB

chapter 155|9 pages

Creating comparable public tolerance and technical performance measures for critical infrastructure resilience evaluation

ByL. Petersen, E. Lundin, J. Sjöström, D. Lange, R. Teixeira
Size: 1.92 MB

chapter 157|6 pages

Simulating the world described with the functional resonance analysis method

ByP. Smoczyński, A. Kadziński, A. Gill
Size: 0.59 MB

chapter 158|8 pages

Technical safety and reliability methods for resilience engineering

ByI. Häring, P. Gelhausen
Size: 0.13 MB

chapter 159|7 pages

Interdependent infrastructure network restoration from a community resilience perspective

ByK. Barkerring, D.B. Karakoc, Y. Almoghathawi
Size: 2.13 MB

chapter 160|9 pages

Resilience assessment of smart critical infrastructures based on indicators

ByK. Øien, L. Bodsberg, A. Jovanović
Size: 1.23 MB

chapter 162|9 pages

Contrasting critical infrastructure resilience from Swedish infrastructure failure data

ByJ. Johansson, R. Jonason Bjärenstam, E. Axelsdóttir
Size: 4.23 MB

chapter 163|8 pages

Working together towards Critical Infrastructure (CI) resilience

ByC. Lomba-Fernández, J.M. Sarriegi, P. Marana, L. Labaka
Size: 1.01 MB

chapter 164|8 pages

A simulation-game to explore collective critical infrastructure resilience

ByJoeri van Laere, Peter Berggren, Osama Ibrahim, Aron Larsson, Susanne Kallin
Size: 0.09 MB

chapter 165|6 pages

Resilient performance in response to the 2015 refugee influx in the Øresund region

ByH. Degerman, S. Bram, K. Eriksson
Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 166|9 pages

Improving resilience management for critical infrastructures—strategies and practices across air traffic management and healthcare

ByV. Cedrini, M. Mancini, L. Rosi, G. Mandarino, S. Giorgi, I. Herrera, M. Branlat, J. Pettersson, C.-O. Jonson, L. Save, D. Ruscio
Size: 0.47 MB

part |435 pages

Risk assessment

chapter 167|6 pages

PSA modeling method for a safety critical DI&C system

BySung Min Shin, Jaehyun Cho
Size: 4.24 MB

chapter 168|8 pages

Air traffic safety in relation to visualization systems reliability

ByJ. Skorupski, P. Ferduła
Size: 0.72 MB

chapter 169|6 pages

Automated driving on steel and rubber

ByH. Schäbe
Size: 2.21 MB

chapter 170|5 pages

Probabilistic analysis of faults affecting multiple trains of the electrical power supply system of nuclear power plants

ByB. Brück, G. Gänßmantel, A. Kreuser, C. Müller, E. Piljugin, J.C. Stiller
Size: 1.03 MB

chapter 171|6 pages

A scenario-based risk analysis oriented to manage safety critical situations in autonomous driving

ByA. De Galizia, A. Bracquemond, E. Arbaretier
Size: 1.14 MB

chapter 172|7 pages

A whole system approach to managing defective on-train equipment

ByA.J. Gilchrist
Size: 1.60 MB
Size: 1.94 MB
Size: 0.65 MB

chapter 175|8 pages

A study on the influence of uncertainties in physical security risk analysis

ByD. Lichte, K.-D. Wolf
Size: 1.44 MB
Size: 2.57 MB

chapter 178|8 pages

Safety of machinery—risk analysis and requirements for safety of gravity loaded axes

ByLuca Landi, Heinrich Mödden, Iuri Betti, Martin Kohnle, Rüdiger Knorpp, Armin Bornemann, Peter Steger
Size: 2.26 MB

chapter 179|5 pages

Risk significance assessment with operational events of Korea nuclear power plants

BySeunghwan Kim, Sun Yeong Choi, Sang Hoon Han, Jaewhan Kim
Size: 3.34 MB

chapter 180|8 pages

Risk dimensions of fish farming operations and conflicting objectives

ByS.M. Holen, I.B. Utne, X. Yang
Size: 0.36 MB

chapter 181|8 pages

The future of driver training and driver instructor education in Norway with increasing ADAS technology in cars

ByG.B. Sætren, J.P. Wigum, R. Robertsen, P. Bogfjellmo, E. Suzen
Size: 0.11 MB

chapter 182|6 pages

A method to evaluate an aircraft operational risk

ByŠ. Hošková-Mayerová, M. Zieja, M. Woch, J. Tomaszewska, M. Matyjewski
Size: 1.14 MB

chapter 183|8 pages

Evaluating models for the inclusion in a safety assessment framework for efficient transport

ByP. Karpati, A.A. Hauge, T. Sivertsen, B.A. Gran
Size: 3.39 MB
Size: 0.58 MB

chapter 185|8 pages

Using an enterprise architecture model for assessing the resilience of critical infrastructure

ByGonçalo Cadete, Miguel Mira da Silva
Size: 4.44 MB

chapter 186|9 pages

Application of systems-theoretic process analysis to a subsea gas compression system

ByH. Kim, M.A. Lundteigen, A. Hafver, F.B. Pedersen, G. Skofteland, C. Holden, S.J. Ohrem
Size: 0.50 MB

chapter 187|7 pages

Enhanced condition monitoring of the machining process using wavelet packet transform

ByL. Mao, L.M. Jackson, P. Goodall, A. West
Size: 2.88 MB

chapter 188|8 pages

Risk from cyberattacks on autonomous ships

ByJan Erik Vinnem, Ingrid Bouwer Utne
Size: 0.11 MB

chapter 190|8 pages

Evaluating approaches for hazard identification for the inclusion in a safety assessment framework for efficient transport

ByØ. Skogvang, R.K. Opsahl, S. Solibakke, P. Karpati, A.A. Hauge, T. Sivertsen, B.A. Gran, M.A. Lundteigen
Size: 0.51 MB

chapter 191|6 pages

Analysis of the risk of pipe breaks based on hydraulic model

ByE. Bartkiewicz, I. Zimoch
Size: 1.99 MB
Size: 2.46 MB

chapter 193|7 pages

Risk of crack formation in power grid wooden poles and relationship with meteorological conditions: A Norwegian case study

ByMichael Pacevicius, Davide Roverso, Pierluigi Salvo Rossi, Nicola Paltrinieri
Size: 6.71 MB

chapter 194|9 pages

Improvement of the risk-based approach for evaluation of permanently plugged and abandoned oil and gas wells

ByH. Langdalen, E.B. Abrahamsen, J.T. Selvik, H.P. Lohne
Size: 0.26 MB

chapter 195|7 pages

The use of bond graph modelling in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell fault diagnosis

ByA. Vasilyev, J. Andrews, L. Mao, L.M. Jackson
Size: 3.71 MB

chapter 196|9 pages

Risk assessment and the influence of new information

ByTor Stålhane, Stig Ole Johnsen
Size: 0.12 MB

chapter 197|8 pages

Risk assessment in construction projects with the use of neural networks

ByL. Giannakos, Y. Xenidis
Size: 2.36 MB

chapter 198|9 pages

Analysis of domino scenarios in chemical and process facilities operating in harsh environmental conditions

ByM. Bucelli, G. Landucci, S. Haugen, N. Paltrinieri, V. Cozzani
Size: 1.32 MB

chapter 199|8 pages

Site risk analysis for nuclear installations—Nordic method developments and pilot studies

ByJ.-E. Holmberg, O. Bäckström, E. Cederhorn, C. Sunde, T. Tyrväinen
Size: 0.22 MB
Size: 2.61 MB

chapter 202|7 pages

Safety assessment

Perspectives for next generation nuclear plants
ByA. Carpignano, S. Dulla, A.C. Uggenti
Size: 0.78 MB

chapter 203|5 pages

Scenario dependency of safety targets for platform doors

ByB. Hulin
Size: 0.54 MB
Size: 1.15 MB

chapter 205|8 pages

Assessment and management of ageing of critical equipment at seveso sites

ByM.F. Milazzo, G. Ancione, G. Scionti, P.A. Bragatto
Size: 4.48 MB

chapter 206|8 pages

Failure prognosis of discrete events systems based on extended Petri Nets

ByR. Kanazy, S. Chafik, E. Niel
Size: 2.33 MB

chapter 207|9 pages

A probabilistic risk assessment method for the security of supply in gas networks supported by physical models

ByB. Gjorgiev, A. Antenucci, G. Sansavini, A. Volkanovski
Size: 3.21 MB

chapter 208|9 pages

A risk-based approach for the analysis of LNG carriers port operations

ByF. Ovidi, G. Landucci, L. Picconi, T. Chiavistelli
Size: 1.22 MB

chapter 210|8 pages

Toward the integration of uncertainty and probabilities in spatial multi-criteria risk analysis

An application to tanker oil spills
ByM. Spada, V. Ferretti
Size: 3.34 MB

chapter 211|8 pages

Risk assessment of worldwide refinery accidents using advanced classification methods

Effects of refinery configuration and geographic location on outcome risk levels
ByPeter Burgherr, Matteo Spada, Marco Cinelli, Jurek Blaszczynski, Roman Słowiński, Yvan Pannatier
Size: 0.64 MB

chapter 212|9 pages

A novel navigational risk analysis method using interval type-2 fuzzy sets

ByC.L. Fan, D. Zhang, J.F. Zhang, H.J. Yao
Size: 0.38 MB
Size: 1.66 MB

chapter 214|9 pages

An experimental assessment of the MCS BDD algorithm in RiskSpectrum

ByO. Bäckström, R. Gamble, P. Krcal, W. Wang
Size: 0.44 MB

chapter 215|8 pages

A new approach for social vulnerability in mainland Portugal area for risk mitigation

ByA.O. Tavares, J.L. Barros, P.P. Santos, J.M. Mendes
Size: 4.92 MB

chapter 216|7 pages

Criticality analysis of wind turbine energy system using fuzzy digraph models and matrix method

ByM.K. Loganathan, Indrani Bezbaurah, O.P. Gandhi, R.C. Borah
Size: 1.67 MB

chapter 217|8 pages

Hazard identification for a dynamic positioning and mooring system in Arctic condition

Complementary use of hazard identification study (HAZID) and Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA)
ByT. Joung, H. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Cho, K. Kang, Y. Liu, M.A. Lundteigen
Size: 2.38 MB

chapter 218|5 pages

Risk analysis of high enthalpy fluid storage in geothermal power systems

ByZ. Nivolianitou, E. Kondili, G. Piperidis
Size: 1.30 MB
Size: 1.29 MB

chapter 220|7 pages


A hybrid static-dynamic PRA software platform
ByM.A. Diaconeasa, A. Mosleh
Size: 2.80 MB

part 10|198 pages

Risk management

Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 223|8 pages

Problems of mobile risks in territory

ByJ. Prochazka, D. Procházková
Size: 2.08 MB

chapter 224|9 pages

Risk-based regulation and certification of autonomous transport systems

ByS.O. Johnsen, Å. Hoem, T. Stålhane, G. Jenssen, T. Moen
Size: 0.42 MB

chapter 225|9 pages

How systems engineering may be useful in preparing FMECA—lesson learnt from a practical case

ByM. Bucelli, J. Zhang, A. Rauzy, S. Sultana
Size: 2.44 MB

chapter 226|7 pages

Study on the flight landing quality evaluation model with analytical network process and matter element analysis method

ByJingsong Lei, Wenbing Chang, Lei Li, Shenghan Zhou, Yiyong Xiao
Size: 0.68 MB

chapter 227|8 pages

Approach to a Bayesian decision model for cost-benefit analysis in security risk

ByD. Lichte, K.-D. Wolf
Size: 1.27 MB

chapter 228|6 pages

Risk prediction method of aircraft hard landing based on flight data

ByLiping Zheng, Jinsong Xie, Silin Qian
Size: 0.50 MB
Size: 0.40 MB

chapter 231|7 pages

Analysis of 985 fire incidents related to oil- and gas production on the Norwegian continental shelf

ByC. Sesseng, K. Storesund, A. Steen-Hansen
Size: 0.99 MB
Size: 0.72 MB

chapter 234|6 pages

Lessons learned from an unexpected uranium accumulation event

ByD.G. Harrison, A. Smith
Size: 0.08 MB

chapter 235|8 pages

Risk management for a particle therapy accelerator: The MedAustron experience

ByR. Filippini, P. Urschütz
Size: 1.22 MB

chapter 236|6 pages

Rescue Emergency Drone (RED) network for assessment of traffic accidents in Denmark

ByA.S. Kristensen, S. Mehmood, S. Ahmed, D. Ahsan, R. Zamora
Size: 1.93 MB

chapter 237|9 pages

Swedish multi-level planning system for critical infrastructure protection

The regional core
ByC. Groβe, P.M. Olausson
Size: 0.26 MB

chapter 238|6 pages

Identifying hazards to include in risk analyses

ByM. Leonhardsen, O.E. Olsen, A.S. Nilsen
Size: 0.09 MB

chapter 239|6 pages

Integrated monitoring of risks for Seveso plants

ByG. Baldissone, L. Comberti, M. Demichela, T. Marcon, E. Plot, M.C. Leva
Size: 1.43 MB

chapter 240|7 pages

Risk and social interaction (samhandling) to meet the unforeseen

ByG.E. Torgersen, T.J. Steiro, L.I. Magnussen
Size: 0.94 MB

chapter 241|9 pages

Implementation guidance for resilience management of critical infrastructure

ByGonçalo Cadete, Bjarte Rød, Miguel Mira da Silva
Size: 0.67 MB

chapter 242|6 pages

Impact of human factors on threats in sewage treatment plants

ByM. Łój-Pilch, A. Zakrzewska, E. Zielewicz
Size: 0.33 MB
Size: 1.99 MB

chapter 244|9 pages

Automation of the rail—removing the human factor?

ByT.M. Stene
Size: 0.78 MB

chapter |6 pages

Revitalization of risk management in the Norwegian petroleum sector

ByB. Heide, G. Ersdal
Size: 0.09 MB

part |247 pages

Simulation for safety and reliability analysis

Size: 2.37 MB

chapter 247|6 pages

A Monte Carlo method for evaluating dependability of mission repairable items

ByH. Cheng, J. Huang, Y. Zhang
Size: 3.00 MB

chapter 248|7 pages

Real-time work simulations of aircraft unit fuzzy reliability evaluator

ByNorbert Grzesik, Robert Czapla, Aneta Krzyżak, Mariusz Zieja
Size: 3.14 MB

chapter 249|9 pages

Selecting correct architecture for mission critical safe control systems

ByE.H. Dogruguven, I. Ustoglu
Size: 3.61 MB

chapter 250|6 pages

Equal load-sharing models of cascades in interdependent network infrastructures

ByA. Scala, P.G. De Sanctis Lucentini, G. D’Agostino
Size: 0.78 MB

chapter 251|6 pages

Optimizing terminal logistics and dimensioning

ByS.L. Isaksen, T. Lilleheier, N.J. Edwin
Size: 0.97 MB

chapter 253|7 pages

The use of reliability simulation techniques in data-driven facility simulation

ByF. Reinecke, S. Bracke
Size: 0.17 MB

chapter 254|8 pages

Safety for automated warehouse exhibiting collaborative robots

ByRafia Inam, Elena Fersman, Klaus Raizer, Ricardo Souza, Amadeu Nascimento, Alberto Hata
Size: 1.79 MB
Size: 0.51 MB

chapter 256|8 pages

Feasibility study of a simulation driven approach for estimating reliability of wind turbine fluid power pitch systems

ByJesper Liniger, Mohsen Soltani, Henrik C. Pedersen, Nariman Sepehri
Size: 2.05 MB

chapter 257|5 pages

Simulator training in driver education—potential gains and challenges

ByG.B. Sætren, P.A. Pedersen, R. Robertsen, P. Haukeberg, M. Rasmussen, C. Lindheim
Size: 0.09 MB

chapter 258|7 pages

A flow-based method for identifying critical pipelines in complex natural gas supply systems

ByHuai Su, Enrico Zio, Jinjun Zhang, Xueyi Li
Size: 1.80 MB

chapter 259|8 pages

Evaluation of a community pharmacy dispensing process using a coloured Petri Net

ByM. Naybour, R. Remenyte-Prescott, M. Boyd
Size: 1.39 MB

chapter 260|9 pages

A simulation-based safety analysis framework for autonomous vehicles—assessing impacts on road transport system’s safety and efficiency

ByL.F. Vismari, C.B.S.T. Molina, J.B. Camargo, J.R. Almeida, R. Inam, E. Fersman, M.V. Marquezini
Size: 1.09 MB

chapter 262|5 pages

Bayesian information fusion for non-competing relationship degradation process

ByJunyu Guo, Hong-Zhong Huang, Yan-Feng Li, Jie Zhou, Xiang-Yu Li
Size: 1.40 MB

chapter 263|6 pages

Evaluation of the reliability of composite materials used in aviation

ByA. Krzyzak, G. Bemowski, R. Szczepaniak, N. Grzesik, L. Gil
Size: 0.83 MB

chapter 264|9 pages

Research on failure mechanism and reliability of áircraft lock mechanism

ByHuan Pang, Ning Wang, Tianxiang Yu
Size: 3.53 MB

chapter 265|9 pages

A metal-oxide-semiconductor devices reliability assessing method based on physics of failure

ByHantian Gu, Ming Zhu, Wei Zhang, Lei Zhang, Hengjing Zhu, Min Tang
Size: 0.92 MB

chapter 266|7 pages

Case study of the effects of hurricanes on the coupled electricity and water systems of St Kitts

ByC.A. Johnson, R. Flage, S.D. Guikema
Size: 2.78 MB

chapter 267|9 pages

Availability simulation model of global navigation satellite system based on operation

ByA.G. Zhao, X. Sun, Y. Sun, B.D. Li
Size: 3.73 MB

chapter 268|9 pages

A safe flow-management method for air traffic considering the UAS presence into the non-segregated airspace

ByEuclides Carlos Pinto Neto, Derick M. Baum, Marco A. Brinati, Jorge R. Almeida, Paulo S. Cugnasca, João B. Camargo
Size: 2.06 MB

chapter 269|6 pages

Active power dispatch strategy of wind farms under generator faults

ByK. Ma, J. Zhu, M. Soltani, A. Hajizadeh, P. Hou, Z. Chen
Size: 1.61 MB
Size: 1.92 MB

chapter 271|8 pages

Integrated deterministic and probabilistic safety assessment of the cooling circuit of a superconducting magnet for nuclear fusion applications

ByR. Bellaera, R. Bonifetto, N. Pedroni, L. Savoldi, R. Zanino, F. Di Maio, E. Zio, E. Zio
Size: 1.40 MB

chapter 272|8 pages

Reliability-based design optimization by using support vector machines

ByNiclas Strömberg
Size: 3.18 MB
Size: 0.91 MB

chapter 275|8 pages

Incremental fatigue damage simulation for reliability assessment of steel wire ropes under fretting fatigue conditions

ByS. Ahmad, S. Badshah, M.F. Abdulhamid, H.S. Kang, A.S. Kader, M.N. Tamin
Size: 2.08 MB
Size: 1.73 MB

part |135 pages

Structural reliability

chapter 277|6 pages

Integrity detection of mooring chains by the approach of thermography

ByWenxian Yang, Kexiang Wei, Zhike Peng
Size: 3.54 MB

chapter 279|8 pages

Effect of the manufacturing defects on the reliability of disposal packages for high level radioactive waste

ByA. Persoons, P. Beaurepaire, A. Chateauneuf, F. Bumbieler
Size: 1.60 MB

chapter 280|7 pages

Probabilistic fatigue damage prediction of relative short edge crack using direct optimized probabilistic calculation

ByM. Krejsa, J. Brozovsky, S. Seitl, Z. Kala, V. Krejsa, P. Lehner
Size: 3.03 MB

chapter 281|5 pages

Reliability analysis of structural health monitoring systems

ByE. Etebu, M. Shafiee
Size: 0.50 MB

chapter 282|5 pages

Serviceability criteria for structural design in prescriptive documents

ByJ. Markova, M. Holicky, L. Navarova
Size: 0.90 MB

chapter 283|8 pages

Sealing life evaluation of soft-packed power batteries based on ADT and modified CZM

ByW. Zhang, Y.M. Liu, Y.X. Chen, H. Sun
Size: 5.65 MB

chapter 284|6 pages

Probabilistic analyses of existing power producing facilities

ByJ. Markova, K. Jung, K. Stastna
Size: 4.24 MB
Size: 1.37 MB

chapter 286|7 pages

Reliability of the aircraft in the Polish operational aviation

ByM. Zieja, M. Woch, J. Tomaszewska
Size: 2.78 MB

chapter 287|8 pages

Buffered environmental contours

ByK.R. Dahl, A.B. Huseby
Size: 0.70 MB

chapter 288|7 pages

Technical service life prediction of deteriorating structures

ByO. Lukoševičienė, R. Kliukas
Size: 1.46 MB

chapter 289|8 pages

Reliability quantitative analysis method for mechanical system by using extended fault tree

ByTianxiang Yu, Yaxin Liu, Xinchen Zhuang, Bolin Shang
Size: 3.41 MB
Size: 2.47 MB

chapter 291|8 pages

Subset simulation and global minimization: Any problems?

ByK. Breitung
Size: 3.69 MB

chapter 292|9 pages

Two-dimensional approach towards a probabilistic model of fatigue cracking of an industrial pipeline

ByM. Zieja, M. Jasztal, S. Stępień, M. Ważny
Size: 0.21 MB

chapter 293|6 pages

Environmental contours for design of ice-capable vessels

ByWei Chai, Bernt J. Leira, Chana Sinsabvarodom
Size: 3.02 MB

chapter 294|7 pages

Partial factors for fatigue loads in the Eurocode system for road bridge design

ByS.B. Hashemi, J. Maljaars, H.H. Snijder
Size: 1.90 MB

part |272 pages

System reliability

chapter 295|9 pages

Reliability analysis in the presence of Aleatory uncertainty

ByL.G. Crespo, S.P. Kenny, D.P. Giesy
Size: 7.18 MB

chapter 296|5 pages

Reliability aspects of a series load–sharing system

ByV.V. Krivtsov, S.V. Amari, V.I. Gurevich
Size: 0.63 MB

chapter 297|8 pages

An evidential network-based method for common-cause failure analysis under uncertainty

ByS. Qiu, Henry X.G. Ming, Y. Hou
Size: 0.97 MB

chapter 298|5 pages

A mathematical model for preliminary reliability and maintainability allocation

ByZ. Vintr, K. Hasilová, M. Vintr
Size: 0.13 MB
Size: 0.15 MB

chapter 301|8 pages

A reliability analysis method for complex mechanical systems containing probabilistic-interval information

ByW.S. Peng, M. Xu, C.H. Zeng, Z. Bian, J.G. Zhang
Size: 2.18 MB
Size: 1.68 MB

chapter 304|8 pages

Failure rates of safety critical equipment based on inventory attributes

ByS. Håbrekke, S. Hauge, L. Xie, M.A. Lundteigen
Size: 0.12 MB

chapter 305|8 pages

Availability modeling of a virtualized IP multimedia subsystem using non-Markovian stochastic reward nets

ByM. Di Mauro, G. Galatro, M. Longo, F. Postiglione, M. Tambasco
Size: 1.05 MB

chapter 306|6 pages

AltaRica 3.0 code generation from SysML models

ByNga Nguyen, Faida Mhenni, Jean-Yves Choley
Size: 1.24 MB

chapter 307|8 pages

Failure behavior analysis of hot standby system based on BDD method

ByZ. Wang, Y. Chen, W. Men, R. Kang
Size: 1.55 MB

chapter 308|9 pages

Dependability analysis of a product line using its model

ByB. Chieb, V. Idasiak, F. Kratz
Size: 2.72 MB

chapter 309|9 pages

Preliminary safety assessment of circular variable nacelle inlet concepts for aero engines in civil aviation

ByS. Kazula, D. Grasselt, M. Mischke, K. Höschler
Size: 1.19 MB

chapter 310|6 pages

A PMS-MMDD model for reliability assessment of multi-state phased-mission system

ByXiang-Yu Li, Yan-Feng Li, Hong-Zhong Huang, Junyu Guo, Enrico Zio
Size: 0.68 MB
Size: 1.76 MB
Size: 0.46 MB
Size: 1.46 MB
Size: 1.52 MB

chapter 315|7 pages

Simulation analysis of aerodrome CNS system reliability

ByM. Kozłowski, J. Skorupski, A. Stelmach
Size: 0.93 MB

chapter 316|8 pages

Digitalization of the power business: How to make this work?

ByA.B. Svendsen, T. Tollefsen, T. Gjengedal, M. Goodwin, S. Antonsen
Size: 0.75 MB

chapter 317|9 pages

Network analysis of the European natural gas infrastructure to quantify its performance in long-duration pipeline shutdown scenarios

ByP. Lustenberger, W. Kim, F. Schumacher, M. Spada, P. Burgherr, S. Hirschberg, B. Stojadinović
Size: 2.17 MB

chapter 318|7 pages

An efficient reliability analysis on complex non-repairable systems with common-cause failures

ByG. Feng, H. George-Williams, E. Patelli, F.P.A. Coolen, M. Beer
Size: 1.21 MB

chapter 319|8 pages

LLVM-based stochastic error propagation analysis of manually developed software components

ByA. Morozov, K. Janschek, Y. Zhou
Size: 7.60 MB

chapter 320|8 pages

Verification of timing properties of a medical patient table case study using probabilistic model checking

ByT. Mutzke, J. Braun, A. Morozov, K. Ding, K. Janschek
Size: 3.28 MB
Size: 3.58 MB

chapter 322|7 pages

Masked data analysis for storage reliability model with initial failures

ByM. Zhao, Y.J. Zhang, J.F. Yang
Size: 0.97 MB
Size: 2.52 MB

chapter 324|7 pages

Application of failure classification schemes to technology qualification

ByT. Myhrvold, A. Hafver, S. Eldevik, F.B. Pedersen, O.I. Haugen, K. Kvinnesland, D. McGeorge
Size: 1.06 MB

chapter 325|6 pages

Imprecise reliability analysis of complex interconnected networks

ByJ. Behrensdorf, M. Broggi, M. Beer
Size: 2.12 MB

chapter 326|7 pages

Communication failure analysis for a fleet formation flight of drones based on absorbing Markov chain

ByR. Abdallah, C. Sarraf, R. Kouta, J. Gaber, M. Wack
Size: 0.88 MB

chapter 327|8 pages

Analyzing the reliability for connected vehicles using qualitative approaches and quantitative methods

ByA. Dabboussi, R. Kouta, J. Gaber, M. Wack, Bachar E.L. Hassan, Lina Nachabeh
Size: 0.76 MB

chapter 328|8 pages

Bayesian networks with imprecise datasets: Application to oscillating water column

ByH.D. Estrada-Lugo, E. Patelli, M. de Angelis, Daniel D. Raj
Size: 1.21 MB

part |96 pages

Uncertainty analysis

chapter 329|6 pages

Interval-based parameters for stress diffusion in granular medium

ByD. Boumezerane
Size: 1.99 MB

chapter 330|8 pages

Uncertainty sensitivity assessment on the optimization of the design and operation of complex energy systems

A comprehensive approach
ByA. Nadal, A. Ruby, C. Bourasseau, D. Riu, C. Bérenguer
Size: 3.29 MB

chapter 331|9 pages

Modular global uncertainty analysis of event-driven indicators of system’s availability

ByPawel M. Stano, Michal Spirzewski
Size: 2.39 MB

chapter 332|6 pages

A performance-margin-based belief reliability model considering parameter uncertainty

ByQingyuan Zhang, Meilin Wen, Rui Kang, Tianpei Zu
Size: 0.33 MB

chapter 333|7 pages

Bayesian updating with time dependent models

ByP. Beaurepaire
Size: 3.83 MB

chapter 334|8 pages

Advanced methodology for uncertainty propagation in computer experiments with large number of inputs

Application to accidental scenario in a pressurized water reactor
ByA. Marrel, B. Iooss
Size: 0.25 MB

chapter 335|6 pages

Accelerated degradation model based on geometric Liu process

ByJi-Peng Wu, Xiao-Yang Li, Rui Kang
Size: 1.47 MB
Size: 2.44 MB

chapter 337|8 pages

Effect of load-generation variability on power grid cascading failures

ByR. Rocchetta, E. Patelli, L. Bing, G. Sansavini
Size: 4.07 MB
Size: 0.29 MB

chapter 339|8 pages

Application of PCE sensitivity analysis method to gas transmission network

ByV. Kopustinskas, P. Praks, T. Mara, R. Rossati
Size: 2.68 MB

chapter 340|6 pages

Application of fuzzy finite element method in addressing the presence of uncertainties

ByA.Y.N. Yusmye, A.K. Ariffin, S. Abdullah, S.S.K. Singh, M. Beer
Size: 0.75 MB
Size: 1.92 MB

part |45 pages

Dynamic risk and barrier management

chapter 342|8 pages

Towards an online risk model for dynamic positioning operations

ByAnna Yining Dong, Jan Erik Vinnem, Ingrid Bouwer Utne
Size: 1.11 MB

chapter 343|9 pages

Development of dynamic safety envelopes for autonomous remotely operated underwater vehicles

ByJ. Hegde, E.H. Henriksen, I.B. Utne, I. Schjølberg
Size: 2.66 MB

chapter 344|7 pages

Dynamic risk assessment during eco-driving behaviors for conventionally fueled vehicles

ByG.L. Mauri, E. Bressan, F.C. Velardo, P.C. Cacciabue
Size: 0.26 MB

chapter 345|7 pages

What could adaptive risk management look like in practice?

ByJ.M. Nisula
Size: 0.08 MB

chapter 346|9 pages

Risk indicators for safety performance assessment of crane-operations in the chemical industry

ByG. Ancione, M.F. Milazzo, N. Paltrinieri
Size: 3.03 MB

part |56 pages

Natural hazards

chapter 347|8 pages

A multidimensional risk evaluation framework for managing floods in urban areas

ByL.B.L. da Silva, R.P. Palha, M.H. Alencar, A.T. de Almeida
Size: 1.69 MB

chapter 348|9 pages

Impacts of climate change on rail systems

A new climate risk analysis model
ByT. Wang, Z. Qu, T. Nichol, Z. Yang, D. Dimitriu, G. Clarke, D. Bowden
Size: 0.13 MB

chapter 349|8 pages

Data management for the development of a flood vulnerability model

ByJ.-P. Pinelli, D. Rodriguez, D. Roueche, K. Gurley, M. Baradaranshoraka, S. Cocke, D.-W. Shin, L. Lapaiche, R. Gay
Size: 0.97 MB

chapter 350|7 pages

Optimizing warnings for slippery runways based on weather data

ByArne B. Huseby, Marit Rabbe
Size: 0.22 MB
Size: 2.07 MB
Size: 3.00 MB

chapter 353|6 pages

Power outage forecasting: Methods, results, and uncertainty

ByS.D. Guikema
Size: 0.76 MB

part |104 pages

Mathematical methods in reliability and safety

Size: 0.87 MB

chapter 355|9 pages

Probabilities in safety of machinery—how fixed and movable guards bring about a significant risk reduction

ByHeinrich Mödden, Eckart Uhlmann, Lukas Prasol, Simon Thom, Simon Thom
Size: 0.87 MB

chapter 356|8 pages

Analysis of fatal fires in Norway over a decade, - a retrospective observational study

ByC. Sesseng, K. Storesund, A. Steen-Hansen
Size: 0.39 MB

chapter 359|6 pages

Personal protective equipment detection in industrial facilities using camera video streaming

ByC.B. Souto Maior, J.M. Santana, L.M. Nascimento, J.B. Macedo, M.C. Moura, D.L. Isis, E.L. Droguett
Size: 1.50 MB

chapter 360|9 pages

Norwegian police training in the use of force: A preparation for facing the realities of street challenges?

ByS. Vee Henriksen, A. Snortheimsmoen, B.I. Kruke
Size: 0.94 MB

chapter 361|9 pages

The role of employers, safety engineers and safety reps in the improvement of safety level at enterprises

ByG. Hrenov, K. Reinhold, M. Tint, P. Tint
Size: 0.28 MB

chapter 362|7 pages

Standardized risk assessment techniques: A review in the framework of occupational safety

ByF. Brocal, C. González, M.A. Sebastián, G.L.L. Reniers, N. Paltrinieri
Size: 0.32 MB
Size: 0.52 MB

chapter 364|9 pages

Maritime safety culture and safety behaviours in Greece and Norway: Comparing professional seafarers and private leisure boat users

ByT.O. Nævestad, A. Laiou, K.V. Størkersen, R. Phillips, G. Yannis, T. Bjørnskau, A. Amundsen
Size: 0.13 MB

chapter 365|8 pages

Accident and disease prevention in working life: Common grounds and areas for mutual learning

ByE. Albrechtsen, R.B. Jørgensen, T.Ø. Kongsvik, K.V.H. Svendsen
Size: 1.52 MB

part |119 pages


Size: 0.08 MB

chapter 367|8 pages

Management of airport security screening system effectiveness

ByJ. Skorupski, P. Uchroński
Size: 0.34 MB

chapter 368|9 pages

Information power supporting the rail systems safety

ByT. Kertis, D. Procházková
Size: 1.22 MB

chapter 369|9 pages

Empirical studies of methods for safety and security co-analysis of autonomous boat

ByErik Nilsen Torkildson, Jingyue Li, Stig Ole Johnsen, Jon Arne Glomsrud
Size: 1.50 MB

chapter 370|5 pages

An overview on the obsolescence of physical assets for the defence facing the challenges of industry 4.0 and the new operating environments

ByV. Gonzalez-Prida, J. Zamora, A. Crespo Márquez, L. Villar-Fidalgo, A. De la Fuente, P. Martínez-Galán, A. Guillén
Size: 0.36 MB
Size: 0.68 MB

chapter 372|4 pages

Security and availability on embedded systems

ByN. Burger, Y. Langeron, R. Cogranne, P. Lallement
Size: 0.40 MB
Size: 0.33 MB

chapter 374|8 pages

Mobile data interception in 4G via diameter interconnection

BySilke Holtmanns, Jani Ekman, Cathal McDaid
Size: 2.50 MB

chapter 375|8 pages

Finding your aim—choosing your game

ByT. Grunnan, H. Fridheim
Size: 2.08 MB
Size: 5.75 MB

chapter 377|5 pages

Perception of security and use of public travel modes in an urban Norwegian public

ByT. Rundmo, A.-M. Kummeneje, T. Nordfjærn
Size: 0.09 MB

chapter 378|7 pages

A systematic classification scheme for cyber-attack taxonomy

ByS. Kim, J. Shin, G. Heo, J.G. Song
Size: 2.09 MB
Size: 0.64 MB

part 19|83 pages

Digitalization and big data

chapter 381|9 pages

Pitfalls of machine learning for tail events in high risk environments

ByC. Agrell, S. Eldevik, A. Hafver, F.B. Pedersen, E. Stensrud, A. Huseby
Size: 1.15 MB

chapter 382|9 pages

Fault diagnosis of wind turbine structures using decision tree learning algorithms with big data

ByI. Abdallah, V. Dertimanis, H. Mylonas, K. Tatsis, E. Chatzi, N. Dervili, K. Worden, E. Maguire
Size: 2.29 MB

chapter 383|7 pages

Cyber physical systems implementation for asset management improvement: A framework for the transition

ByL. Villar-Fidalgo, A. Crespo Márquez, V. González Prida, A. De la Fuente, P. Martínez-Galán, A. Guillén
Size: 4.81 MB

chapter 384|5 pages

Automated train driver competency performance indicators using real train driving data

ByR.A.H. El Rashidy, P. Hughes, M. Figueres-Esteban, C. van Gulijk
Size: 1.54 MB

chapter 385|8 pages

A preliminary approach to subsea risk management using sensor network information

ByM. Bucelli, I.B. Utne, N. Paltrinieri, P. Salvo Rossi, V. Cozzani
Size: 1.09 MB

chapter 386|7 pages

Reliability-based cyber plant

ByHarald Rødseth, Per Schjølberg, Ragnhild Eleftheriadis, Odd Myklebust
Size: 0.63 MB
Size: 5.23 MB

chapter 388|7 pages

Safety enterprise architecture approach for a railway safety management system

ByS. Khan, C. van Gulijk
Size: 0.10 MB

chapter 389|8 pages

A computer leaning approach to obtain safety information from multi-lingual accident reports

ByP. Hughes, M. Figueres-Esteban, R.A.H. El Rashidy, C. van Gulijk, R. Slovak
Size: 0.91 MB
Size: 1.68 MB

part 20|40 pages

Foundation of risk and reliability assessment and management

chapter 391|7 pages

Safety principles for autonomous driving

ByH. Schäbe
Size: 0.19 MB

chapter 392|8 pages

Tool for risk reduction at specific component aircraft engine welding

ByD. Procházková, J. Prochazka
Size: 0.86 MB

chapter 393|5 pages

Reliability of supplies in a manufacturing enterprise

ByJ. Żurek, M. Zieja, J. Ziółkowski
Size: 0.84 MB

chapter 394|8 pages

Swimming in a slurry of schemes: Making sense of aquaculture standards and certification schemes

ByM. Nilsen, V.S. Amundsen, M.S. Olsen
Size: 0.30 MB

chapter 395|8 pages

An ontological and semantic foundation for safety science

ByP.J. Blokland, G.L.L. Reniers
Size: 0.10 MB

part 21|22 pages

Economic analysis in risk management

chapter 396|8 pages

Time-dependent reliability in flood protection decision making in The Netherlands

ByW.J. Klerk, W. Kanning, M. Kok
Size: 1.35 MB

chapter 397|6 pages

Impact assessment of road infrastructure: A holistic approach

ByY.Z. Ayele
Size: 1.45 MB
Size: 1.11 MB

part 22|7 pages

Big data risk analysis

chapter 399|5 pages

Manifestation of ontologies in graph databases for big data risk analysis

ByM. Figueres-Esteban, P. Hughes, R.A.H. El Rashidy, C. van Gulijk
Size: 1.12 MB