Ensure the success of your library’s cooperative collection development plan! This solidly researched book brings a fresh perspective to the practical problems of library resource sharing. Creating New Strategies for Cooperative Collection Development offers shrewd advice and creative thinking on the political and administrative issues that often present obstacles. It will help you assess your library’s situation, identify new opportunities, and find powerful new ways to perform the essential tasks of archiving, preservation, and digitization.By making wise use of new technologies, local libraries can offer international resources and services unimaginable just a few decades ago. Creating New Strategies for Cooperative Collection Development shares the experiences of successful consortia all over the world, including the US, Eastern Europe, the UK, the nations of the Pacific Rim, and South Asia. It examines the costs and benefits of regional, national, and international cooperatives and debates the varying uses of centered and decentralized models of resource sharing. Creating New Strategies for Cooperative Collection Development offers practical advice for overcoming specific obstacles, including:

  • lengthy approval processes
  • fixation on volume count instead of quality
  • faculty and commercial resistance to reforming scholarly communications
  • publishing monopolies and rising prices

    Creating New Strategies for Cooperative Collection Development defines the issues that need to be addressed by the library community to foster the advancement of cooperative collection development and suggests a series of steps that can be taken to ensure its future success and continued growth. It is an essential guide to the world of resource sharing.

  • Introduction
  • Keynote Address
  • University Libraries as Agents of Change
  • Cooperatives: Approval Plans and Consortia
  • Designing and Implementing a Consortial Approval Plan: The OhioLINK Experience
  • Making the Common Uncommon? Examining Consortial Approval Plan Cooperation
  • Collaborative Purchasing: A Model for Financially Straitened Times
  • Back to the Future: Building the Florida Library Research Consortium
  • Scholarly Communications
  • Last Copy Depository: Cooperative Collection Management Centers in the Electronic Age
  • An Experiment in Cooperative Collection Development: South Asia Vernaculars Among the Research Triangle Universities
  • The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts
  • Consortia, Cooperatives and Consternation
  • The Printed Book: Still in Need of CCD
  • Grey Literature Poses New Challenges for Research Libraries
  • Challenges and Constraints for History Selectors
  • Collecting Material on Natural Disasters: A Case Study in Co-Operative Collections Development
  • International Perspectives
  • Dancing with Elephants: International Cooperation in an Interdependent (But Unequal) World
  • International Information Exchange: New Configurations for Library Collaboration in South Asian Studies
  • From Farmington Plan to the Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance: New Strategies in Developing International Collections
  • Co-operative Collection Development: A UK National Library Perspective
  • Specialized Cooperative Efforts in Collection Development: An Analysis of Three Slavic Programs
  • Libraries of One World: Librarians Look Across the Oceans
  • The Politics of Information Institutions, or I Am Not a Luddite, But...
  • Index
  • Reference Notes Included