Gain new understanding of the role that the children of divorce play within their own family systems. Unlike most other literature on the subject, Children of Divorce studies--both empirically and clinically--the role of the children within the dysfunctional pattern of the dissolving family system. The unique and insightful perspectives in this volume equip practitioners and clinicians with the skills to help children cope with the pain and the adjustments they experience during and after a divorce. Experts in the marriage and family field explore the developmental, structural, and interactional issues for the benefit of all professionals seeking to more effectively understand and treat the children who are so adversely affected by divorce.

Contents Introduction
  • I. Family Well-Being, Development, and Disruption: An Introduction
  • Children of Divorce and Single-Parent Lifestyles: Facilitating Well-Being
  • Sequelae to Marital Disruption in Children
  • The Impact of Divorce on Children at Various Stages of the Family Life Cycle
  • II. Children’s Perceptions of the Divorce Experience
  • Children’s Definitions of Family Following Divorce of Their Parents
  • Effects of Family Structure on Children’s Self-Concepts
  • Family Dysfunctional Patterns During Divorce--From the View of the Children
  • Divorce, Custody, and Visitation: The Child’s Point of View
  • III. Family Structure and Interactional Patterns: Post Divorce
  • A Comparison of Children Living in Single-Mother and Single-Father Families
  • Comparing the Effects on the Child of Post-Divorce Parenting Arrangements
  • Siblings’ Reactions to Parental Divorce
  • Sibling Interactions in Married and Divorced Families: Influence of Ordinal Position, Socioeconomic Status, and Play Context
  • Mothers’ Behavior and Sons’ Adjustment Following Divorce
  • Intimacy in Young Adult Males’ Relationships as a Function of Divorced and Non-Divorced Family of Origin Structure
  • IV. Determinants of Children’s Adjustment to Divorce
  • Parental and Environmental Determinants of Children’s Behavioral, Affective, and Cognitive Adjustment to Divorce
  • The Impact of Divorce on Children’s Academic Performance
  • Effects of Post-Divorce Relationships on Child Adjustment
  • The Effect of Children’s Family Type on Teachers’ Stereotypes
  • The Adversarial Legal Process and Divorce: Negative Effects Upon the Psychological Adjustment of Children