The Joint Contracts Tribunal's Standard Form of Building Contract is the most common contract used in the UK to procure building work. Understanding it is a core part of any construction student's degree and a vital part of the working life of professionals in the construction industry. 'The JCT98 Building Contract' works through the contract systematically explaining it in easy-to-follow language, covering all contract issues thoroughly and illustrating with case law examples the current situation and latest amendments. It is ideal reading for both the student of construction and the professional seeking to update their knowledge.

chapter 3|14 pages

JCT 98 timetable

chapter 4|7 pages

Performance Specified Work

chapter 5|4 pages

Architect's Instructions

chapter 9|19 pages

Nominated Sub-contractors

chapter 10|13 pages

Nominated Suppliers

chapter 14|12 pages


chapter 15|25 pages


chapter 16|29 pages


chapter 17|29 pages

Dispute resolution