It is the author’s contention that an abundance of voluntary action outside the citizen’s home, both individually and collectively, for bettering his own and his fellows’ lives, are the distinguishing marks of a truly free society. This volume is a study of how such action can be kept alive in the face of the inevitable development of State action and suggests the new forms which co-operation between the State and voluntary Organizations may take, leaving a maximum of freedom and responsibility to the individual.

Voluntary Action is a text of unique value because Beveridge here develops his vision of how a large ‘voluntary action’ sector could function as a type of buffer zone between the state and the market.

part |2 pages

Part One The Mutual Aid Motive in Action

chapter I|42 pages

The Friendly Societies

chapter II|22 pages

The State and the Friendly Societies

chapter III|34 pages

Mutual Aid in Other Forms

part |2 pages

Part Two The Philanthropic Motive in Action

chapter V|34 pages

A Chapter of Pioneers

chapter VI|28 pages

Charitable Trusts

part |2 pages

Part Three The Needs That Remain in a Social Service State

chapter VII|9 pages

The Changing Environment of Voluntary Action

chapter VIII|42 pages

Some Special Needs that Remain

chapter IX|21 pages

Some General Needs that Remain

part |2 pages

Part Four Conclusion and Recommendations

chapter X|14 pages

The Future of Voluntary Action

chapter XI|14 pages

The State and Voluntary Action

chapter XII|6 pages

First Things First