Completely revised and updated in light of the new SEND 2014 Code of Practice, this new edition describes the different types of difficulties experienced by pupils with speech, language and communication needs. It will help teachers and other professionals to feel more confident by providing expert guidance and practical strategies, and as a professional development tool, will also encourage outstanding practice by suggesting ideas and materials for in-house training sessions. The wide-ranging and accessible chapters explore topics including:

  • Listening skills
  • Phonological awareness
  • Comprehension of language
  • Activities for circle time
  • Working with parents

Featuring useful checklists, templates and photocopiable resources, this practical resource contains a wealth of valuable advice and tried-and-tested strategies for identifying children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, ensuring they have the support they need to make exceptional progress.

chapter 1|2 pages


chapter 2|2 pages

Inclusion in education

chapter 3|1 pages

Flowchart: how can I help?

chapter 4|1 pages

Attention, listening and memory skills

chapter 5|1 pages

Attention control: developmental stages

chapter 8|1 pages

Processing information in the classroom

chapter 9|1 pages

How does a child process language?

chapter 10|3 pages

Listening skills

chapter 11|1 pages

Activities to improve listening ability

chapter 12|2 pages

Listening and auditory memory

chapter 13|1 pages

Phonological awareness

chapter 14|3 pages

Teaching phonological awareness

chapter 15|2 pages

Comprehension of language

chapter 17|1 pages

Elements of language

chapter 20|2 pages

Expressive language (spoken)

chapter 27|4 pages

Specific activities: Key Stage 2

chapter 28|1 pages

Circle time

chapter 29|2 pages

Activities for circle time

chapter 30|1 pages

Citizenship through circle time

chapter 31|1 pages

Speech acquisition

chapter 32|1 pages

Speech difficulties

chapter 36|3 pages

Strategies for developing spoken language

chapter 37|1 pages

Language and Mathematics

chapter 41|1 pages

Secondary pupils with SLCD: Literacy

chapter 44|1 pages

Supporting students with organisation

chapter 45|3 pages

Learning plans

chapter 46|3 pages

Sample Learning Plans

chapter 50|1 pages

Working with parents

chapter 53|1 pages

What does SLCD mean for a child?

chapter 54|1 pages

Evaluating and following up CPD