Although the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev is often seen as a continuation of Vladimir Putin’s presidency, with the same policies applied in the same way, this book disagrees, arguing that Medvedev’s foreign policy was significantly different from Putin’s. The book considers especially the relationship between Russia and the Euro-Atlantic security configuration, including both NATO and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, a relationship of great importance to Russia, given constant attention. It discusses a wide variety of issues, including "frozen conflicts", security co-operation and nuclear weapons reductions, highlights the different tone and approach under Medvedev, exemplified especially by his draft European Security Treaty, and shows how after Putin’s return to the presidency there has been a shift in foreign policy, with much great emphasis on influencing Russia’s immediate neighbours and on Eurasian union, and less emphasis on rapprochement and co-operation.

chapter 1|16 pages

From Putin to Medvedev

Maintaining the status quo?

chapter 2|11 pages

Russia’s Euro-Atlantic security interests

Preserving and building influence

chapter 3|16 pages

Russia and the ‘frozen’ conflicts of the Euro-Atlantic space

Different conflicts, different roles

chapter 4|18 pages

Russia and the OSCE

Hard versus soft security

chapter 5|22 pages

Russia and NATO

The limits of cooperation

chapter 6|32 pages

Russia and the Euro-Atlantic security agreements

Compliance and controversy

chapter 7|21 pages

Medvedev’s draft European Security Treaty

A different idea?

chapter 8|27 pages

Nuclear reductions and missile defence

Prospects for cooperation between Russia, the U.S., and NATO

chapter 9|26 pages

The return of President Putin

A change of course

chapter 10|6 pages


Medvedev’s presidential legacy